


时间:2020-03-13 11:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:28.52]走了 [04:49.40]Oome on. Oome on! 快啊 加油 [04:51.72]Almost there. 就快到了 [04:53.48]What? 哦? [04:55.40]No! Oh,no! 不 噢 不! [05:00.44]- Sorry,Po. - Well bring you back a souvenir. - 你好可怜! 我们会给你带些
  • [04:28.52]走了
    [04:49.40]Oome on. Oome on! 快啊  加油

    [04:51.72]Almost there. 就快到了
    [04:53.48]What? 哦?
    [04:55.40]No! Oh,no! 不  噢  不!
    [05:00.44]- Sorry,Po.  - We'll bring you back a souvenir. - 你好可怜! 我们会给你带些纪念品
    [00:08.48]No. l'll bring me back a souvenir. 不  我给你们带还差不多
    [00:16.32]lt is an historic day. 今天意义非凡
    [00:19.16]lsn't it,Master Oogway? 是不是  乌龟大师?
    [00:20.52]Yes,and one l feared  l would not live to see. 是啊 我原来还担心我没法活到今天呢
    [00:25.28]Are your students ready? 你的徒儿都准备好了吗?
    [00:27.56]Yes,Master Oogway. 是的 乌龟大师
    [00:30.28]Know this,old friend. 你得明白 老朋友
    [00:31.48]Whomever l choose will not only bring  peace to the valley... 无论我选中谁 他都会把和平带到山谷
    [00:37.88]...but also to you. Let the tournament begin! 也会把安宁带给你
    [00:44.88]Let the tournament begin! 比武大会现在开始
    [01:03.80]No,no,wait! 喔 不  等等
    [01:05.32]l'm coming! Wait,wait! 我来了 等等 老兄别关!
    [01:11.56]Hey! Open the door! 喂  快开门
    [01:13.68]Let me in! 让我进去
    [01:17.12]Oitizens of the Valley of Peace, 和平谷的父老乡亲们
    [01:21.04]it is my great honor  to present to you...Tigress! 今日老夫有幸向诸位介绍  娇虎、
    [01:23.04]Viper! Orane! Monkey! Mantis1! 灵蛇、仙鹤、金猴、螳螂

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