


时间:2020-03-13 11:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:29.92]The Furious Five! 威猛五侠 [01:41.36]Yeah,the Furious Five! 威猛五侠 啊 哦 [01:47.08]Wait. No. Oh,peeky-hole. 等等 哦 偷看一下 [01:47.44]Warriors,prepare! 五侠 请就位 [01:53.20]The Thousand Tongues of Fire. 是千
  • [01:29.92]The Furious Five! 威猛五侠
    [01:41.36]Yeah,the Furious Five! 威猛五侠  啊 哦
    [01:47.08]Wait. No. Oh,peeky-hole. 等等 哦 偷看一下
    [01:47.44]Warriors,prepare! 五侠 请就位
    [01:53.20]The Thousand Tongues of Fire. 是千条火蛇
    [01:53.60]- Ready for battle!  - Yeah. 准备比武
    [01:58.44]Look at that. - 快看呐
    [02:00.24]Hey! Get out of the way! - 喂 快让开
    [02:35.80]And finally Master Tigress! 最后是  娇虎女侠
    [02:40.12]And believe me,citizens,you have not seen anything yet. 各位父老乡亲 真正的绝活你们还没看到呢
    [02:45.36]Master Tigress! Face lron Ox  and his Blades of Death. 娇虎女侠 对抗铁牛的死亡之虎
    [03:01.44]l sense the Dragon Warrior2 is among us. 我感觉到神龙大侠就在我们中间
    [03:12.72]Oitizens of the Valley of Peace, 和平谷的父老乡亲们
    [03:16.16]Master Oogway will now choose  the Dragon Warrior! 乌龟大师现在将选出神龙大侠
    [03:20.16]Oh,no! No,no,wait! 啊完了? 不! 等等
    [03:24.92]Yeah. 耶
    [03:43.00]Po! 阿宝
    [03:44.40]What are you doing?! 你这是在干什么呀?
    [03:46.40]What does it look like l'm doing?! Stop! 你说我在干什么 别吹别吹
    [03:48.88]l'm going to see the Dragon Warrior! 我要进去看神龙大侠那
    [03:53.88]But l don't understand.  You finally had the noodle dream! 这我就不明白了 你好不容易梦见面条的呀!
    [03:58.92]l lied. l don't dream  about noodles,Dad. 我骗你的  我根本就没梦见什么面条

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