


时间:2020-03-13 11:47来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:16.28]Why didnt you? 那怎么没去? [04:18.08]Because it was a stupid dream. 因为那是痴人说梦 [04:19.20]Oan you imagine me making tofu? 我做豆腐?还不如买块豆腐撞死 [04:22.76]Tofu. 呵 豆腐 [00:01.24]No! We all ha
  • [04:16.28]Why didn't you? 那怎么没去?
    [04:18.08]Because it was a stupid dream. 因为那是痴人说梦
    [04:19.20]Oan you imagine me making tofu? 我做豆腐?还不如买块豆腐撞死
    [04:22.76]Tofu. 呵  豆腐
    [00:01.24]No! We all have our place in this world. 不! 各司其职 各归其位才是
    [00:06.12]Mine is here,and yours is... 我属于这儿  而你呢...
    [00:07.68]l know,is here. 我知道 我也属于这
    [00:09.88]No,it's at tables 2,5,7,and 12 不  是2号、5号、7号、12号桌
    [00:14.64]Service with a smile. 记得要微笑服务
    [00:43.16]Well done,students...  if you were trying to disappoint me. 身手不错  徒儿们! 只可惜还是让我失望
    [00:50.00]Tigress,you need more ferocity!  Monkey,greater speed. 娇虎 你不够凶猛! 金猴 你不够快
    [00:52.36]Orane,height. Viper,subtlety.  Mantis1... 仙鹤不够高,灵蛇不够敏捷  螳螂...
    [00:55.44]- Master Shifu.  - What?! - 禀告师父 什么事?
    [00:57.04]lt's Master Oogway. He wants to see you. 是乌龟大师 他想见您
    [01:11.44]Master Oogway,you summoned me?  ls something wrong? 乌龟大师  您要见我  出什么事了吧?
    [01:20.56]Why must something be wrong  for me to want to see my old friend? 难道一定要出什么事我才能和老朋友见面吗?
    [01:23.56]So,nothing's wrong? 那么  没出事?
    [01:28.24]Well,l didn't say that. 这个嘛 我也没这么说
    [01:47.72]You were saying? 你刚才说...?
    [01:50.20]l have had a vision. 我有一个预感
    [01:53.76]Tai Lung will return. 大龙会杀回来
    [02:00.44]That is impossible! He is in prison. 这怎么可能  他在大牢里

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      功夫熊猫      

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