


时间:2020-03-13 11:46来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:12.36]...noodles. 面条 [03:15.24]Yeah. What else would l be dreaming about? - 是啊 我还能梦见什么呢 - 谢谢 [03:19.76]Oareful! That soup is sharp. 小心 那面条扎嘴 [03:20.92]Oh,happy day! 噢 我好开心 [03:24.48]My
  • [03:12.36]...noodles. 面条
    [03:15.24]Yeah. What else  would l be dreaming about? - 是啊  我还能梦见什么呢  - 谢谢
    [03:19.76]Oareful! That soup is sharp. 小心 那面条扎嘴
    [03:20.92]Oh,happy day! 噢 我好开心
    [03:24.48]My son,finally having the noodle dream! 我儿子终于梦见面条啦
    [03:27.28]You don't know how long l've been  waiting for this moment. 我盼星星盼月亮终于盼来了这一刻
    [03:32.84]This is a sign,Po. 这是个好兆头
    [03:34.92]A sign of what? 什么好兆头?
    [03:36.60]You are almost ready to be entrusted  with the secret ingredient 你就快准备好了 我可以完全放心的把我的秘方
    [03:41.60]of my Secret lngredient Soup. 仙汤的秘方传给你了
    [03:44.92]Then you will fulfill12 your destiny  and take over the restaurant! 然后你就可以水到渠成的 从我手里接下这面条铺
    [03:47.76]As l took it over from my father,who took it over from his father... 就像我从我父亲手里接下它 我父亲从我爷爷手里接下它
    [03:53.04]...who won it from a friend in mahjong. 我爷爷打麻将赢下它
    [03:55.00]Dad,Dad,Dad,it was just a dream. 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸   那只是一个梦
    [03:57.08]No,it was the dream. 不  那是远大梦想
    [04:00.52]We are noodle folk.  Broth13 runs through our veins14. 我们是做面条的 血脉里流淌着汤汁
    [04:03.08]But,Dad,didn't you ever want  to do something else? 可是爸爸你有没有想过做点别的事?
    [04:06.96]Something besides noodles? 除了面条以外的事?
    [04:08.72]Actually,when l was young and crazy, 其实啦  我年少轻狂的时候

    [04:11.72]l thought about running away  and learning how to make tofu. 倒是想过出去闯闯  去拜师学做豆腐

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