


时间:2020-03-13 11:46来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:25.32]Even the most heroic heroes in Ohina, 就连盖世豪杰 [01:30.40]the Furious Five, 威猛五侠 [01:30.60]bowed in respect to this great master. 也对这位大师顶礼膜拜 [01:33.64]We should hang out. 一块乐乐去? [01:35
  • [01:25.32]Even the most heroic heroes in Ohina, 就连盖世豪杰
    [01:30.40]the Furious Five, 威猛五侠
    [01:30.60]bowed in respect  to this great master. 也对这位大师顶礼膜拜
    [01:33.64]We should hang out. 一块乐乐去?
    [01:35.24]Agreed. 没意见
    [01:39.12]But hanging out would have to wait. 不过没时间找乐子了
    [01:42.04]Because when you're facing  the 10,000 demons9 of Demon8 Mountain, 因为一旦面对恶魔山成千上万的大小恶魔
    [01:48.08]there's only one thing  that matters and that's... 唯有一件最重要  那就是...
    [01:50.36]Po! Get up! 阿宝  起来
    [01:51.68]You'll be later for work! 得赶紧开工了
    [01:53.24]What? 什么!?
    [02:00.32]Po! Get up! 阿宝  快起来
    [02:19.80]Po. What are you doing up there? 阿宝  你在上面干嘛呢?
    [02:21.96]Nothing. 没干嘛
    [02:26.16]Monkey! Mantis10! Orane! Viper11! Tigress! 金猴、螳螂、 仙鹤、 灵蛇、 娇虎
    [02:41.36]Ooming! 来啦
    [02:52.48]Sorry,Dad. 对不起  爸爸
    [02:54.28]Sorry doesn't make the noodles. 说"对不起"不能帮你做面条
    [02:56.88]What were you doing up there?  All that noise. 你刚才在上面干嘛? 那么吵
    [03:00.64]Nothing. l just had a crazy dream. 没干嘛 只是做了一场梦
    [03:01.92]About what? - 什么梦?  - 嗯?
    [03:04.12]What were you dreaming about? 你梦见什么了?
    [03:04.80]What was l...? 我梦见?   呃
    [03:05.64]l was dreaming about... 我梦见了...
    [03:12.28]Noodles? You were really  dreaming about noodles? 面条!  你是真的梦见面条了吗?

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