[02:24.14]Mom, I've gotta go find CoIin. 妈,我要去找科林
[02:37.54]Who'd be dumb enough to stay behind whiIe we escape with our Iives? 谁会傻到不顾自己的性命呢?
[02:43.54]My time to shine. 我终于有了用武之地
[02:45.38]Hey, Mr. Big TV Man, Iookie here! 嘿,大屏幕人,看我这儿
[02:50.90]What do you want? 你想干什么?
[02:52.90]Look what I can do with my thumb. 看看我能拿拇指变什么花样
[02:56.94]You wanna know how I do it? 想知道我是怎么做到的吗?
[02:59.46]Four generations of inbreeding? 家族世世代代的传授?
[03:17.02]I can smeII fresh air. 我都能闻到新鲜空气了!
[03:18.70]I can hear birds. 我听到了鸟鸣声!
[03:21.70]I taste freedom. 我品尝到了自由的味道!
[03:22.70]Excuse me! Watch out! Coming through! 请原谅!小心!让开!
[03:32.90]I was tricked by an idiot, 我被傻子给蒙了
[03:36.58]Hey, I know how you feeI. I was beat in tic-tac-toe by a chicken. 我理解你现在的感受 我以前也被鸡给骗过
[03:41.94]Goodbye, 再见了
[03:46.98]Homer do good? 我表现得怎么样?
[03:47.98]ActuaIIy, you doomed6 us aII. Again. Nice knowing you, Homer. 你把我们的命都给搭进去了 很荣幸认识你,荷马
[03:53.50]But I. . . . 但是我…
[03:56.34]I can't do anything right. 我做什么都是错的!
[04:03.86]Get out of here! 滚开!
[04:11.74]I've spent my entire Iife doing nothing but coIIecting comic books. 我这辈子除了收集漫画外,一事无成