


时间:2017-04-24 12:05来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:06.82]And I wake up with the fucking sweats. 然后我梦醒了 [02:09.10]And then I have this other dream... 然后我就有了另一个梦... [02:10.10]...where youre pregnant in bed beside me naked... ...你怀孕了,躺在我身边
  • [02:06.82]And I wake up with the fucking sweats. 然后我梦醒了
    [02:09.10]And then I have this other dream... 然后我就有了另一个梦...
    [02:10.10]...where you're pregnant in bed beside me naked... ...你怀孕了,躺在我身边...
    [02:14.26]...and I want so badly to touch you, but you tell me not to and you look away. ...然后我非常想碰你 你让我不要
    [02:18.14]And l-- And I touch you anyway... 然后我还是碰了你 ...
    [02:21.70]...right on your ankle, and your skin is so soft that I wake up in sobs6, all right? ...你的脚踝,柔软的皮肤 然后醒来我就泪流满面
    [02:27.66]My wife is there looking at me, and I feel I'm a million miles from her. 我妻子看着我, 我感觉和她有好远的距离
    [02:33.18]And I know that there's something wrong, that l-- 我知道有些不对--
    [02:35.02]God, that I can't keep living like this... 天,我不能再这么生活了...
    [02:37.70]...that there's gotta be more to love than commitment. ...应该有更多的爱, 不光是责任
    [02:39.62]But then I think that I might have given up... 但我接下来又放弃了...

    [02:42.50]...on the whole idea of romantic love. ...放弃了浪漫的爱情想法
    [02:44.78]That I might have put it to bed that-- 当那一天你没出现的时候--
    [02:49.66]That day when you weren't there. 我就应该把它丢弃了
    [02:52.42]You know, I think I might have done that. 我可能已经那么做了.
    [02:56.42]Why are you telling me all this? 你为什么要告诉我这些?
    [02:59.70]I'm sorry. I don't know. I'm-- I should.... 我不知道,对不起....
    [03:05.74]You know, it's so weird7. 你知道,这很奇怪
    [03:06.34]I shouldn't have. 我不该说的
    [03:09.82]People think they are the only one going through tough times. 人们总以为只是自己在受苦
    [03:11.74]I mean, when I read the article, I thought your life was perfect. 我是想说, 当我读你小说的时候感觉你过得很完美
    [03:18.18]A wife, a kid, published author. 太太、小孩、作家
    [03:21.34]But your personal life is more of a mess than mine. 但你的似生活比我还要糟糕
    [03:26.46]I'm sorry. 对不起
    [03:32.82]-This is where you live? -Yeah. -你住这里? -对
    [03:37.54]So you're just relieved that I'm in even more deep shit than you are? 你知道我比你还要糟 你就安心了?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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