


时间:2017-04-07 12:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:48.20]Do you consider the book to be autobiographical? 可以认为这本书是你的自传吗 [01:52.36]Well, I mean... 唔,我想... [01:55.32]...isnt everything autobiographical? ...这是我的自传吗 [01:58.32]I mean, we all see
  • [01:48.20]Do you consider the book to be autobiographical? 可以认为这本书是你的自传吗
    [01:52.36]Well, I mean... 唔,我想...
    [01:55.32]...isn't everything autobiographical? ...这是我的自传吗
    [01:58.32]I mean, we all see the world through our own tiny keyhole, right? 我想,我们都以自己 狭窄的眼光观察这个世界
    [02:02.00]I mean, I always think of Thomas Wolfe. 我是说,我经常想起托马斯 乌尔夫
    [02:04.40]Have you ever seen that little one-page " Note to Reader"... 你们有没有看过他 在《乡恋》开始的
    [02:06.16]...in the front of Look Homeward, Angel? 那一小段"读者寄语"
    [02:11.76]Anyway, he says that we are the sum of all the moments of our lives... 无论怎样,他说我们 只是生命各个瞬间的总和...
    [02:14.20]...and anybody who sits down to write will use the clay of their own life... ...任何人写东西的都有 他自己周围生活的气息...
    [02:18.08]...that you can't avoid that. ...这是不可避免的
    [02:21.88]So when I look at my own life, I have to admit, right, that l-- 所以当审视自己的生活的时候 我不得不承认,是的,我--
    [02:27.68]I've never been around a bunch of guns or violence, you know, not really. 我从未和枪械,暴力有过瓜葛 你们知道的,真的没有
    [02:31.52]No political intrigue1 or a helicopter crash, right? 也没有搞过政治阴谋或者 乘直升机失事什么的,不是吗
    [02:34.80]But my life, from my own point of view, has been full of drama, right? 但是,个人认为,我的生活 充满了戏剧色彩,是吗
    [02:41.60]And so I thought, if I could write a book... 所以我过去一直这么想 如果我能写书的话...
    [02:43.28]...that could capture2 what it's like to really meet somebody-- ...一定会记录下和某人 相遇的真实情景的--
    [02:46.84]One of the most exciting things that's happened to me... 发生在我身上的 最激动人心的事...
    [02:49.20]...is to meet somebody, make that connection. ...邂逅某人,一见钟情
    [02:53.20]And if I could make that valuable, you know, to capture that... 如果这样的事有价值 你知道,记录下...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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