


时间:2015-10-18 21:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[08:44.18]Hey, Sherry. 嘿 Sherry [08:44.58]I guess you think this is karma, huh? 我猜你认为这就是我的报应 是吧? [08:48.18]The mousy bitch gets hers in the end, am I right? 这臭婊子终于恶有恶报了 我说的对吗? [0
  •   [08:44.18]Hey, Sherry. 嘿 Sherry
      [08:44.58]I guess you think this is karma, huh? 我猜你认为这就是我的报应 是吧?
      [08:48.18]The mousy bitch gets hers in the end, am I right? 这臭婊子终于恶有恶报了 我说的对吗?
      [08:48.46]No, I didn’t... I didn’t think that. 不 我没... 我没这么想
      [08:52.34]"Oh, no." Makes perfect sense to me. "噢 不" 我就知道你会这么说
      [08:55.42]Hey, Dale, you want to see my impression of Sylvia? 嘿 Dale 你想知道我对Sylvia的印象吗?
      [08:57.42]I have a psychotic episode on live television. 我在电视直播上 大发神经
      [08:57.70]"Hi, I’m Sylvia. "嗨 我是Sylvia
      [09:00.62]I used some terrible, foul language, 在早间电视节目上
      [09:04.30]and I described a sex act on a morning TV show. 用了些粗鄙不堪的语言 描述性交
      [09:07.58]I’m very, very mean to stupid Sherry, 我描述的就是那个笨Sherry
      [09:09.86]and I call her really hurtful names 我给她起了很伤人的外号
      [09:12.86]that just might remind her of some stuff from childhood, 那正好让她想起童年的事儿
      [09:14.30]and then when sweeps comes around, 当电视台变革的时候

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      气象女孩      

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