


时间:2017-01-22 12:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:30.42](Lulu) She is? 真的? [01:30.94](Seth) Shes coming back. 她要回来了! [01:34.22](excited chattering) [01:36.82](Seth) Peter, arent you excited? Peter 你高兴么? [01:39.78]- Whens she gonna be here? - (Zoe) So, what a
  •   [01:30.42](Lulu) She is?  真的?
      [01:30.94](Seth) She's coming back.  她要回来了!
      [01:34.22](excited chattering)
      [01:36.82](Seth) Peter, aren't you excited?  Peter 你高兴么?
      [01:39.78]- When's she gonna be here? - (Zoe) So, what are we gonna do?  她什么时候回来? 我们要准备些什么?
      [01:43.94]We should dress up nice. We should make her something.  我们应该穿漂亮一点 应该给她做些什么
      [01:49.34]- We'll clean up the entire house. - That's a good idea.  把整个房子打扫一边 好主意
      [01:50.42]- (Zoe) We should make a banner3 too. - (Lulu) In the family room.  我们也应该做个横幅 放到书房
      [02:11.86]Gary怎么了? 脚被卡住了么?
      [02:14.78]What's wrong, Gary? Foot got stuck?
      [02:17.54]Hang on, hang on.  等一下,等一下
      [02:22.10]Okay, now just stay still.  好的,不要动
      [02:47.26]Hi. Come on in.  嗨,请进
      [02:51.26]- Are you ready? - Yeah, almost.  准备好了么? 差不多
      [02:53.82](phone dialing)
      [02:56.22](phone rings)
      [02:59.54]- Yes? - Hey, it's Shane.  是 嘿,是我雪恩
      [03:01.30]I have excellent news. I think I found GHOST.  我有个好消息 我想我找到了幽灵
      [03:02.58]- Do you have it? - It's in a steel vault4.  你拿到了? 在一个钢铁的密室里
      [03:05.54]It needs some sort of two-pronged key. I've been working on it, but it's tough.  需要用一个双面的钥匙来打开 我整晚都在试,可是太坚固了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超级奶爸      

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