


时间:2017-02-04 12:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:09.74]Hes a little old for you, isnt he? 对你来说,他有点老了,不是吗? [04:12.74]No. 不 [04:13.54]Hes a junior. Im a junior. 他三年级,我也三年级 [04:16.42]I thought you liked the Cullens. 我以为你喜欢库伦
  • [04:09.74]He's a little old for you, isn't he? 对你来说,他有点老了,不是吗?
    [04:12.74]No. 不
    [04:13.54]He's a junior. I'm a junior. 他三年级,我也三年级
    [04:16.42]I thought you liked the Cullens. 我以为你喜欢库伦他们的
    [04:21.26]I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town. 我以为你不喜欢这个镇上的男孩
    [04:23.18]Edward doesn't live in town. 爱德华不住在镇上
    [04:25.82]Technically. 严格地说
    [04:30.54]He is? 他在?
    [04:30.74]He's right outside. 他就在外面
    [04:33.58]Yeah, he wanted to meet you, officially. 他想正式见你一面
    [04:39.54]All right. Bring him in. 好,带他进来
    [04:41.74]Could you be nice? 你能友好一点吗?
    [04:47.10]He's important. 他对我很重要
    [04:57.94]Chief Swan7. 斯旺警官
    [00:01.46]I want to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen. 我想正式自我介绍 我叫爱德华库伦
    [00:03.22]Hi, Edward. 嗨,爱德华
    [00:06.58]Bella won't be out too late tonight. 贝拉,今晚不会太晚回来
    [00:08.90]She's just gonna play baseball with my family. 她只是和我家人去打棒球
    [00:09.66]Baseball? 棒球?
    [00:10.90]Yes, sir, that's the plan. 是的,就这个节目
    [00:12.78]Bella's gonna play baseball. 贝拉要打棒球
    [00:17.14]Well, good luck with that. 好,祝你好运
    [00:18.22]I'll take good care of her. I promise. 我会照顾她的,我保证

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