


时间:2017-01-27 10:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:01.68]Everything about me invites you in, 我全身上下都在引诱你 [03:07.64]my voice, my face, even my smell. 我的声音,我的脸孔,甚至是我的气味 [03:10.24]As if I would need any of that. 我引诱你才这么做的
  • [03:01.68]Everything about me invites you in, 我全身上下都在引诱你
    [03:07.64]my voice, my face, even my smell. 我的声音,我的脸孔,甚至是我的气味
    [03:10.24]As if I would need any of that. 我引诱你才这么做的
    [03:16.20]As if you could outrun me! 好像你速度比我快似的
    [03:23.84]As if you could fight me off. 好像你能打赢我似的
    [03:28.68]I'm designed to kill. 我是个天生杀人狂
    [03:33.00]I don't care. 我不管
    [03:37.04]I've killed people before. 我杀过人的
    [03:40.64]It does not matter. 没关系
    [03:48.52]I wanted to kill you. 我想杀了你
    [03:51.88]I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life. 对人类的鲜血,我从没有过这么大的欲望
    [03:59.72]I trust you. 我相信你
    [04:03.88]Don't. 别
    [04:05.40]I'm here. I trust you. 我在这里,我相信你
    [04:10.44]My family, we're different from others of our kind. 我的家庭跟其他同类不同
    [04:14.64]We only hunt animals. 我们只会猎杀动物
    [04:20.32]But it's you, your scent5, 但是你,你的气息
    [04:26.28]it's like a drug to me. 对我来说就好像是毒品
    [04:28.84]You're like my own personal brand of heroin6. 你就像我专有的海洛因
    [04:39.36]Why did you hate me so much when we met? 那初次见我时 你为什么那么讨厌我?
    [04:43.28]I did. 不错
    [04:44.36]Only for making me want you so badly. 但却令我越想拥有你
    [04:48.72]I still don't know if I can control myself. 我还不知道我能不能控制自己
    [04:53.48]I know you can. 我知道你能的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      暮光之城      

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