
  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(38) 日期:2018-04-16 12:14:15 点击:158 好评:0

    [04:44.10]I have a macaroni on my head. 我头上有个通心面 [04:47.70]Run. 跑 [04:54.18]No school! 学校没了 [00:01.02]Still nothing, nothing in the bottom of the third inning. 还是没有,第三局一开始还是什么都没有...

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(37) 日期:2018-04-16 12:13:54 点击:180 好评:0

    [02:47.30]This is junk. 这是破烂 [02:48.70]This is junk. 这是破烂 [02:54.70]This is junk. 这也是破烂 [02:55.58]Oh, son. Listen, when your boat is, when its listing... 儿子,听着,当你的船 当它立起来时 [02:59.62]....

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(36) 日期:2018-04-16 12:13:32 点击:154 好评:0

    [01:08.34]Not yet, it hasnt. 还没有呢 [01:12.70]-Whats an amuse-bouche? -Manny, patch us through. - 开胃菜,那是什么? - Manny,传我的话 [01:20.82]Go. 走 [01:23.14]Cute report, Nancy. Hey. Hey. Four-eyes. 漂亮的报告,...

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(35) 日期:2018-04-16 12:12:50 点击:78 好评:0

    [00:01.14]Strawberry. 草莓 [00:04.86]-ls everyone okay? -Yeah. - 大家都还好吧 - 是 [00:14.54]Help, somebody. 帮个忙,有人吗 [00:18.42]Help me, please. 帮帮我,劳驾 [00:20.82]Its my son. 那是我儿子 [00:21.46]We need...

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(34) 日期:2018-04-16 12:12:27 点击:117 好评:0

    [03:23.82]...and hopefully Samll look a little more appealing. .顺便希望Sam能看起来好点 [03:32.62]Steve, we just have to upload the kill code and then well shut down the-- Steve,我们要上传毁灭指令 这样就可以停下...

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(33) 日期:2018-04-16 12:11:58 点击:74 好评:0

    [01:52.74]I can turn it off. 我可以把它关了 [02:06.46]All right, kid, its all gonna be okay. 好了,孩子,会没事的 [02:12.42]Oh, no. 哦,不 [02:17.78]-Pardon me. -Pardon me. - 原谅我 - 原谅我 [02:19.26]-Excuse me. -...

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(32) 日期:2018-04-16 12:10:23 点击:77 好评:0

    [04:48.10]...and go say the weather or something. Jeez. 或者说说天气什么的,天啊 [04:49.90]And without further ado... 毋庸赘述 [04:50.06]...our towns hero and my metaphorical 8 son... 我们镇子的英雄 我心目中的儿子...

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(31) 日期:2018-04-16 12:10:05 点击:123 好评:0

    [03:52.62]That is one big mayor. 这可真是个大镇长 [03:53.42]Delight in our nacho-cheese hot springs. 在我们的纳乔奶酪温泉里欢乐吧 [03:57.10]Allow your kids to eat all the junk food they want... 让你们的孩子在完全...

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(30) 日期:2018-04-16 12:09:44 点击:155 好评:0

    [01:44.70]And Im gonna be so proud of you tomorrow when you cut that ribbon... 明天你剪彩时 [01:50.26]...save the town... 拯救镇子 [01:50.94]...and prove to everybody what a great inventor you are. 向所有人证明你是一个多么...

  • [美食从天而降] 《美食从天而降》电影台词(29) 日期:2018-04-16 12:09:20 点击:119 好评:0

    [00:45.54]And this is the molecular structure of a hot dog that fell today. 这是今天落下来的 [00:50.02]The machine uses microwave radiation... 机器用微波辐射 [00:51.78]...to mutate the genetic 2 recipe of the food. 使食物的遗...
