


时间:2015-12-18 12:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:50.76]是的 不好意思 Yeah, sorry. [02:51.83]我夹在期刊里了 I picked it up with the periodicals. [02:54.33]找到了 Got it. [02:55.66]哦 你担心你父母? No, youre worried about your parents? [02:57.40]别担心 Dont-Don
  •   [02:50.76]是的 不好意思 Yeah, sorry.
      [02:51.83]我夹在期刊里了 I picked it up with the periodicals.
      [02:54.33]找到了 Got it.
      [02:55.66]哦 你担心你父母? No, you’re worried about your parents?
      [02:57.40]别担心 Don’t-Don’t worry.
      [02:58.83]你合格了 C+ You passed, c+.
      [03:00.20]好好保重 Take care of yourself.
      [03:02.63]好孩子 Good kid.
      [03:04.06]医学预科为什么要考历史呢? What does pre-Med need with history?
      [03:05.93]知道了 Got it.
      [03:07.30]谢谢 Thank you.
      [03:10.86]对不起 各位 Sorry, guys.
      [03:12.10]John 请继续 John, please continue.
      [03:13.83]不会吧 我以为已经说完了 Come on, I thought we were done with that.
      [03:16.10]不 我们继续 No! Let’s go on with it.
      [03:17.73]这很有趣 It’s interesting.
      [03:19.13]更何况 我觉得他讲的挺像那么回事 Besides, I think he’s making a certain amount of sense.
      [03:22.00]就像黑格尔说的 荒谬是逻辑的前提 Like hegel Logic8 from absurd premises9.
      [03:24.60]那幅画是梵高的吗? That van gogh?
      [03:25.96]他送给我的 John: he gave it to me.
      [03:28.16]我那时候叫Jacque Bourne I was, uh, jacque bourne at the time,
      [03:30.90]是个养猪的 A pig farmer.
      [03:32.15]养猪的? A pig farmer?
      [03:34.76]我喜欢亲手劳动 I like to work with my hands.
      [03:36.86]他会来我这儿 画画 He would come out to the place, paint.
      [03:39.00]我们讨论在艺术中诠释自然 We talked about capturing nature in art.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      这个男人来自地球      

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