


时间:2015-12-18 12:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:49.33]我只能从记忆中推测 I can only surmise7 in retrospect6. [01:51.56]你那时候好奇它从哪儿来吗? Were you curious about where it all came from? [01:55.03]我们会抬头望天 同时惊叹 We would look up at the sk
  •   [01:49.33]我只能从记忆中推测 I can only surmise7 in retrospect6.
      [01:51.56]你那时候好奇它从哪儿来吗? Were you curious about where it all came from?
      [01:55.03]我们会抬头望天 同时惊叹 We would look up at the sky and wonder.
      [01:57.26]"上面应该住着一些大人物 "There’s gotta be some big guys up there.
      [01:59.46]不然下面的一切从何而来?" What else made all this down here?"
      [02:01.26]一开始我在想 At first I thought
      [02:02.80]是不是我有什么问题 There was something wrong with me-
      [02:05.43]也许我是个坏人 因为我不会死 Maybe I was a bad guy for not dying.
      [02:09.16]后来我开始怀疑我是否被诅咒了 Then I began to wonder if I was cursed
      [02:12.43]或者被保佑了 Or perhaps blessed.
      [02:14.73]又后来我想也许我身负重任 Then I thought maybe I had a mission.
      [02:18.43]你现在还这么认为吗? Do you still think you do?
      [02:20.21]上帝的行为是不被凡人所理解的 God works in mysterious ways.
      [02:21.96]我现在认为这就是既成事实 I think I just happened.
      [02:33.06]喔 Wow.
      [02:34.20]你好? Hello?
      [02:36.33]是的 艾利? Yes, ellie?
      [02:38.21]怎么了? What’s wrong?
      [02:40.06]珊蒂? Sandy?
      [02:41.21]来了 Coming.
      [02:45.20]怎么了? Yeah?
      [02:46.60]艾利的期中试卷在我们这儿吗? Do we have ellie’s midterm here?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      这个男人来自地球      

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