


时间:2015-12-18 12:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:41.10]还有特纳(1775-1851) 塞尚(1839-1906) 毕加索 Turner, cezanne, pissarro. [03:43.27]诺尔德(1867-1956)的风景画 Oh, the nolde landscapes. [03:45.23]他和梵高不同时代 Not in van goghs time. [03:47.13]他会喜欢他的
  •   [03:41.10]还有特纳(1775-1851) 塞尚(1839-1906) 毕加索 Turner, cezanne, pissarro.
      [03:43.27]诺尔德(1867-1956)的风景画 Oh, the nolde landscapes.
      [03:45.23]他和梵高不同时代 Not in van gogh’s time.
      [03:47.13]他会喜欢他的画的 He would have loved them, though.
      [03:48.70]是的 Yes.
      [03:49.73]我不明白 Well, I don’t understand
      [03:51.46]为什么你记不得你从哪里来 Why you can’t remember where you’re from.
      [03:53.66]地貌没有改变过啊 Geography hasn’t changed.
      [03:55.46]我从汉森教授的 I learned that in-
      [03:57.16]无聊的课上学到的 Professor hensen’s tepid10 lectures.
      [03:58.50]你说的对 But you’re right.
      [03:59.93]你们5岁的时候住在哪儿? Where did you live when you were five years old?
      [04:02.10]小石镇 Little rock.
      [04:03.23]你妈妈 带你去过集市吗? Your mother, she took you to the market?
      [04:05.26]- 嗯 - 从你家门口走 Mm-Hmm. What direction was it?
      [04:06.60]它在哪个方向? From your house.
      [04:08.01]我不知道 I don’t know.
      [04:09.40]要走多久? How far?
      [04:10.36]呃 3个街区 Um, three blocks.
      [04:12.26]有哪些参照物吗? Were there any references
      [04:13.80]在你印象中? That stuck in your mind?
      [04:15.26]呃 有一个加油站 Well, there was a gas station
      [04:16.76]和一大片田地 And a big field.
      [04:18.36]我被关照过不能单独去那里 I was told I could never go there alone.
      [04:20.53]那假如你如今再回去 And if you went back there today,

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      这个男人来自地球      

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