


时间:2015-12-16 12:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:36.63]实际上 高瘦的人 Actually, tall and skinny [04:38.93]在炎热的气候里更能有效散热 Radiates heat more effectively in warmer climates. [04:41.83]对于穴居人来说 And as for neanderthals, [04:43.13]我是说 我们
  •   [04:36.63]实际上 高瘦的人 Actually, tall and skinny
      [04:38.93]在炎热的气候里更能有效散热 Radiates heat more effectively in warmer climates.
      [04:41.83]对于穴居人来说 And as for neanderthals,
      [04:43.13]我是说 我们都见过类人猿 I mean, we’ve all seen apish people.
      [04:44.86]我们仍然有那种遗传特点 That strain’s still with us.
      [04:46.10]但他仍然是个穴居人 But he’d be a caveman.
      [04:48.23]不 他不会 No, he wouldn’t.
      [04:49.26]John假设的那个穴居人 John’s hypothetical man
      [04:50.30]已经活了1’4000年  Would have lived through 140 centuries...
      [04:52.10]是的 大约 Yeah, roughly.
      [04:53.50]不断适应周围环境 ...and changed with every one of them.
      [04:55.91]假设他有正常人的智力 I mean, assuming normal intelligence.
      [04:58.26]我们认为旧石器时代的人 Well, we think men of the upper paleolithic
      [05:00.76]已经具备和我们同样的智力水平 Were as intelligent as we are.
      [00:02.63]只是他们知识不多 They just didn’t know as much.
      [00:04.43]John说的那个人可以与人类文明同步学习 John’s man would have learned as the race learned.
      [00:07.43]事实上 如果他喜欢刨根问底 In fact, if he had an inquiring mind,
      [00:10.60]他的知识储备将会是惊人的 His knowledge might be astonishing.
      [00:13.70]如果你要写书 我有兴趣看看 If you do write that, let me have a look at it.
      [00:16.00]我保证你会掀起一股人类学的热潮的 I’m sure you’ll make some anthropological1 boners.
      [00:18.26]就这么定了 It’s a deal.
      [00:19.36]他为什么会活那么久? What would keep him alive?
      [00:21.25]听听生物学家怎么说? What does the biologist say?

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