
  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(17) 日期:2016-07-08 12:33:29 点击:155 好评:0

    [00:48.68]You already made an appointment? Yeah. 你已经约好了? 是的 [00:50.72]You just got engaged last night. I know. 你昨晚才刚订婚啊 我知道 [00:54.04]But technically5, Im already behind. 但是理论上讲 我已经晚了...

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(16) 日期:2016-07-08 12:32:30 点击:96 好评:0

    [00:05.64]You are going to live with Emma and Fletcher. 你要和艾玛还有弗莱彻一起住了 [00:16.44]Youre irritating1 me. 你这是在气我 [00:18.84]I cant believe it. 难以置信 [00:20.44]Its so weird2 having this on my finger...

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(15) 日期:2016-07-08 12:31:58 点击:182 好评:0

    [04:06.56]Yes. Yes. 是的 是的 [04:10.44]It didnt happen tonight. 今晚没成 [04:11.92]But Im not worried, cause Im sure Daniels- I-Im engaged. 但我不担心 因为我肯定丹尼尔 我订婚了 [04:15.04]Fletcher just proposed, lik...

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(14) 日期:2016-07-08 12:31:30 点击:164 好评:0

    [03:08.64]Pitchy. Its not just code8 for someone you dont like. 荒腔走调 不只是用来形容某个人是惹你讨厌的 [03:11.08]Oh, okay. Youre pitchy. 好吧 你真荒腔走调 [03:13.08]Oh, uh, that ones mine. 那个是我的 [03:...

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(13) 日期:2016-07-08 12:30:48 点击:185 好评:0

    [02:19.52]Former chubby6 girls-Were made of steel. 曾经的胖姑娘 我们都是钢铁打造的 [02:22.48]And Splenda. We survive. 还有斯普兰达 我们是熬过来的 [02:26.00]Well, first of all, you werent fat. 首先 你并不胖...

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(12) 日期:2016-07-08 12:30:14 点击:168 好评:0

    [00:46.48]What did I rush down here for? 让我急冲冲赶来是为了什么? [00:48.60]Nate! Im getting married. 内特 我要结婚了 [00:50.12]Get out. Yeah. 少来 真的 [00:54.04]Oh, my God. Sisters gettin married here. 哦 上帝 我...

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(11) 日期:2016-07-08 12:28:08 点击:92 好评:0

    [04:48.32]It never occurs to me like that. 我从来没想过这些 [04:50.32]I mean, sometimes it does. 我是说 有时候会 [04:55.40]Im really happy for you. 我真替你高兴 [04:57.88]Promise me you wont tell anyone until after he p...

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(10) 日期:2016-07-04 12:41:45 点击:169 好评:0

    [03:50.76]Liv, I cant. Hey, hey. It was on sale. 丽芙 我不能 嘿 嘿 打折时买的 [03:51.64]I practically made money on it. Liv, its too much. 我这完全是赚了 丽芙 这太贵了 [03:54.12]Emma, Emma. Emma- Just say thank you....

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(9) 日期:2016-07-04 12:41:20 点击:161 好评:0

    [02:56.96]I dont know. I think shes kind of sad. 我不知道 我觉得她有点可悲 [02:59.76]I mean, shes been divorced, like, three times. 她离过婚 离了好像有三次 [03:02.56]Shes way ahead of us. 她领先我们好多啊 [03:...

  • [结婚大作战] 《结婚大作战》电影台词(8) 日期:2016-07-04 12:40:56 点击:79 好评:0

    [02:07.20]I mean, children talking about their little problems. 那些孩子们讨论他们那些小破事 [02:11.84]Ugh! You gotta do it for me. 你得代我去 [02:12.56]Yeah, Deb, Im already doing your late bus patrol... 德比 我已经在...
