[02:21.44]Yeah. Four waters. 对 四杯水 [02:23.48]Get a splash of that Kahlua next to wherever that paralegal is. [02:31.08]Are you in the office? I hear you coming. Liv? 在办公室吗? 我听到你过来了 丽芙? [02:31.28]Where are...
[01:06.84]~ He got the game sewed up No, Im talkinbout Swiss ~ ~ 他创造了这游戏 不 我指的不是瑞士人 ~ [01:10.96]~ Why would you try ~ ~ 你为什么不试试 ~ [01:12.96]~ We got em shakineverything from the hood2 to Dubai ~...
[00:03.04]~ Coming home intoxicated1 ~ ~ 醉醺醺地回家 ~ [00:07.12]~ I say I just want to love you ~ Come on, Liv ~ 我说我只是想爱你 ~ 拜托 丽芙 [00:09.12]~ I just wanna love you, baby ~ ~ 我只是爱你 宝贝 ~ [00:11.12...
[03:49.12]~ And I do my little turn on the catwalk ~ Youre under arrest... ~ 我在T台上 潇洒转身 ~ 你被捕了 [03:53.16]for being too sexy. 罪名是太性感 [03:57.56]Time to be frisked. 欢乐时间到了 [04:03.00]Oh, my goodne...
[02:36.84]In a week! A week! 一周后 一周 [02:39.28]Come on. I know youre in here. 出来吧 我知道你在这 [02:41.28]Ah, heres your video montage. 你的视频剪辑 [02:47.16]Oh, yeah. 很好 [02:49.56]Absolutely. 绝对的 [02:55...
[01:31.52]It was unbelievable. Its like one thing after another, every single time. 真是难以置信 一波未平 一波又起 [01:31.60]talking to the guy who messed up my centerpieces. Oh, gosh. 跟那个搞砸了我的餐桌装饰的人...
[00:32.96]~ So I can watch you cry ~ ~ 这样我就能看到你哭泣 ~ [00:33.04]~ Cause I know in time youll see ~ ~ 因为我知道你终会明白 ~ [00:35.04]~ What you did to me ~ ~ 你对我做了什么 ~ [00:39.84]~ And youll come ru...
[04:16.00]Oh, my God, Emma! 我的天 艾玛 [04:21.20]Shes trying to make me fat so I cant fit into my dress! 她想让我变胖 然后就穿不下婚纱了 [04:22.48]What is that? What is that? 这算什么? 这算什么? [04:30.44]The In...
[03:09.04]Oh, no. 噢 不 [03:11.20]Oh, no! Liv? 噢 不 丽芙? [03:16.72]Are you all right? What the hell is goin on? 你还好吧? 到底出什么事了? [03:17.16]Look, let me in 让我进去 [03:19.16]I gained five pounds. Five pounds....
[02:12.64]What the? 什么? [02:15.68]Thats not you. Is it? 那不是你 是吗? [02:18.04]Emma looks gorgeous. 艾玛看起来真漂亮 [02:19.60]But not on the inside, which is- Kevin. 但她的心灵不美 凯文 [02:25.12]Its the best s...