


时间:2016-07-19 12:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:53.20]We are, which is why I need you to do this for me right now. Hurry! 是不搞了 所以我才让你去干这个 快 [02:02.92]Youll thank me one day. 有一天你会感谢我的 [02:04.92]Ill go get that. 我来开吧 [02:05.12]Th
  •   [01:53.20]We are, which is why I need you to do this for me right now. Hurry! 是不搞了 所以我才让你去干这个 快
      [02:02.92]You’ll thank me one day. 有一天你会感谢我的
      [02:04.92]I’ll go get that. 我来开吧
      [02:05.12]That’s very helpful.        Okay. 帮了忙了     好的
      [02:08.52]Thank you. 谢谢
      [02:09.80]Oh, my God. It’s your parents. 我的天 是你的父母
      [02:11.60]Come on in. Look, isn’t she a bridal beauty? 进来 看 她是不是个很美的新娘?
      [02:15.68]She sure is. Oh, my gosh. 她当然是 我的天
      [02:17.56]Oh, wow, Mom.        Oh, my God! Is that my dress? 妈      我的天 这是我的婚纱?
      [02:23.64]Are you happy? 你高兴吗?
      [02:25.72]I’m happy if you’re happy. 你高兴我就高兴
      [02:27.72]Sweetheart, you could get married in a brown paper bag, I wouldn’t care. 甜心 就算你穿着棕色纸袋结婚 我都不介意
      [02:31.80]This is your day. 今天是你的大日子
      [02:36.56]Oh, boy, I need a tissue. 我需要张纸巾
      [02:37.00]Oh, my God. I’m gonna cry.        You’re gonna screw up your makeup5, honey. 我的天 我要哭了     你会把妆弄花的 宝贝
      [02:41.60]I found this when we moved to Boca, and I saved it. 我们搬去博卡时我找到了这个  就保存下来了
      [02:46.60]Dad. What is it?        I knew there’d come a day to give it to you. 爸 是什么      我知道会有交到你手上的一天

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