


时间:2015-09-28 22:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:40.04]And then I fell off a bridge and things got pretty weird5 after that. 后来我从一座桥上掉下去了 事情就变得怪异起来 [03:43.88]But Im never going to forget again. 但是我永远都不会再忘记了 [03:47.24]Lo
  •   [03:40.04]And then I fell off a bridge and things got pretty weird5 after that. 后来我从一座桥上掉下去了 事情就变得怪异起来
      [03:43.88]But I’m never going to forget again. 但是我永远都不会再忘记了
      [03:47.24]Look, I know that I’ve been in a bad mood for the last... 我知道我后来脾气特别糟…
      [03:52.60]...20 years. …20年了
      [03:53.76]But if you let me, I swear, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. 但是如果你给我机会,我发誓 我会用我的余生来补偿你
      [03:59.12]I thought I wanted a second chance at life... 我本以为我想要我的人生做一次改变…
      [04:04.48]...but now I know I just want a second chance with y... …但是现在我知道我 我真正想重来的是和你…
      [04:09.52]Weird. 真奇怪
      [04:13.52]Yeah. 是的
      [04:14.20]I missed you. 我好想你
      [04:24.88]Yeah, I’m gonna put you down because this was a lot easier before. 好吧,我得把你放下了 因为以前这样要容易得多
      [04:29.40]Yeah, you did have that six-pack thing going. 是啊,你的确把那六块腹肌弄没了
      [04:34.12]I knew you were checking me out. 我就知道你一直在盯着我
      [04:34.92]Is there any chance I’ll see that again? 我还有机会再看见它们吗?
      [04:39.96]Go! Go! Go! 上!上!上!
      [04:46.48]SCARLET: Adults can have that, though. 成年人都有那个
      [04:49.84]MIKE: Well, I’ll work on it. Maybe I’ll jog home. 好吧,我来想办法 或许我们可以慢跑回家
      [04:58.04]Ned, hey. 奈德,嗨
      [04:59.88]I packed up all my stuff and I wanted to give your key back and say thanks. 我把我的东西都打包好了 我来把钥匙还你并且跟你说声谢谢

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      重返17岁      

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