


时间:2015-09-20 21:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:41.36]But if you want to go there, thats... 不过要是你想要其实也 [01:45.52]Okay. 好的 [01:45.88]- So Ill just get you a shovel5, then? - Yeah. 那么我找个铲子给你就好了? [02:37.08]What? 怎么了? [03:14.40]MI
  •   [01:41.36]But if you want to go there, that’s... 不过要是你想要…其实也…
      [01:45.52]Okay. 好的
      [01:45.88]- So I’ll just get you a shovel5, then? - Yeah. 那么我找个铲子给你就好了?
      [02:37.08]What? 怎么了?
      [03:14.40]MIKE: I said we could do it! - Called it. - 我说,我们办得到! - 打给她
      [03:19.40]Did you see the look on Stan’s face? 你看到斯坦脸上的表情了吗?
      [03:22.60]Alex? What happened at the tryouts? How’d it go? 亚历克斯?预赛上发生了什么? 结果怎么样?
      [03:26.76]It was good. Mark had a great tryout. He played great. 预赛很好,马克表现得不错 他打得棒极了
      [03:31.80]- Yeah. - And so did I. I made the team. - 嗯 - 我也是,我成了球队一员
      [03:33.48]Really? Oh, great! That’s so good. I’m so proud of you. 真的吗?噢,棒极了!真是太好了 我真为你骄傲
      [03:36.48]Me too. 我也是
      [03:39.16]He did great out there. 他真的表现的很好
      [03:39.84]Oh, Mark. That’s super inappropriate. 噢,马克,这样是不合适的
      [03:42.16]L... Good job today. 噢…今天干得不错
      [03:44.36]I want to show you something. Come here. I wanna show you guys. 我想让你们看点东西,快来
      [03:44.52]- Good job! - Thanks. - 干得不错! - 谢谢
      [03:52.88]Ta-da. 哒哒!
      [03:55.20]- You hung the lights. SCARLET6: Yes. - 你装上了彩灯 - 没错
      [03:56.72]- Wow. - Wow. - 哇 - 哇
      [04:00.92]I wanted you guys to be the first to see. 我想让你们第一个看到

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