


时间:2015-09-20 21:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:04.24]And you hope that you can do right by that little girl... 而且你会希望能够常伴这个小女孩 [02:08.44]...and always be there to catch her when she falls, and that nothing ever hurts her. 无论何时都陪伴在她身边
  •   [02:04.24]And you hope that you can do right by that little girl... 而且你会希望能够常伴这个小女孩…
      [02:08.44]...and always be there to catch her when she falls, and that nothing ever hurts her. …无论何时都陪伴在她身边 当她跌倒或是要受到伤害时呵护着她
      [02:13.28]Not a broken arm... 不管是受伤…
      [02:18.12]...or a bad dream... …还是做噩梦…
      [02:22.96]...or a broken heart. 亦或是心碎
      [02:28.36]- I don’t want these. Just take them. LAUREN: Me either. - 我不想要这个,拿走它 - 我也是
      [02:32.04]Are you serious? 你是说真的吗?
      [02:33.36]Great, fine, wonderful. 好,很好,棒极了
      [02:37.72]Now I got enough for the whole weekend. 现在我有足够用一周的了
      [02:37.88]More for me. 全都给我好了
      [02:45.92]Oh, my God! 噢,我的天啊!
      [02:48.08]- Stan! - Boys, stop it! - 斯坦! - 孩子们,快停下!
      [02:48.92]Break it up! Get off him, Stan! 快分开!停下,斯坦!
      [02:52.28]Put those phones away! Stop it! 把手机收起来!住手!
      [02:56.44]- Stop hitting him! DELL: No fighting! - 别再打他了! - 别打了!
      [03:00.12]- You like that? - You’re gonna go to jail again. - 你喜欢这样吗? - 你会再被抓进去的
      [03:06.48]BOY: Look at that. He slapped him like a mother. 快看这个,他就像他老妈在打他
      [03:09.16]GIRL: That thing sucks. 真是太差劲了
      [03:12.84]- Oh! - Oh, that’s wrong. - 噢! - 这可不好
      [03:15.52]Yo, check this out. My cousin in New York sent it to me. 快看这个,我纽约的表哥传给我的
      [03:29.40]I hope I’m not late for our meeting. 我希望我没来迟了
      [03:31.76]Busted for fighting, nice. Who won? 突然大打出手,真不赖,谁赢了?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      重返17岁      

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