


时间:2015-09-16 12:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:35.82]- I guess its mostly negative, isnt it? - Well, yeah. - 我猜大概这就是在否定你的地位吧? - 好吧,是的 [02:37.30]I had no upside for that. 我想我太口无遮拦了 [02:39.66]Hey! Youre getting that big p
  •   [02:35.82]- I guess it’s mostly negative, isn’t it? - Well, yeah. - 我猜大概这就是在否定你的地位吧? - 好吧,是的
      [02:37.30]I had no upside for that. 我想我太口无遮拦了
      [02:39.66]Hey! You’re getting that big promotion2 today, right? 嗨!你今天就要升值了不是吗?
      [02:44.34]Yes. Yes, I am. 是的,的确是这样
      [02:45.66]Today everything turns around for me. 今天是我时来运转的时候了
      [02:48.02]Knock them dead. 让他们震惊吧
      [02:51.70]I love you! 我爱你!
      [03:08.10]MAN: So anyway... 所以,无论如何…
      [03:08.78]...the way corporate3 wants us to spin it... …公司希望看到的或许就是…
      [03:11.46]...is that maybe, in certain situations... …我们在特定的情形中…
      [03:15.46]...a four-hour erection isn’t such a terrible thing. …连续四个小时的作业 仍然轻松自如
      [03:18.14]Okay. Next up: 那么,接下来
      [03:21.50]As most of you know, today I am proud to be naming our new regional sales manager. 众所周知,今天我将很荣幸地向大家 宣布我们新的区域销售经理
      [03:24.18]- Here we go. - You know... - 快了 - 你们知道…
      [03:25.60]...l’ve been in the pharmaceutical4 game for almost two years now... …我已经在制药行业待了近两年了…
      [03:34.18]...and people always ask me: "What’s it take to be an RSM?" …而且人们总是问我,做为一名 区域销售经理究竟要具备哪些素质?
      [03:35.86]Leadership. 领导力
      [03:40.90]Courage. 勇气
      [03:42.58]But most importantly, dedication5 to this company. 但最重要的是,对公司的无私奉献
      [03:43.22]Integrity. 公正廉明

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