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  • 英语口语校园习语(60)chew the fat (with) 闲聊 日期:2017-04-05 12:23:02 点击:223 好评:0

    C-4:chew the fat (with) 闲聊 A:The teacher was too hard on his students, especially on the boys. A:老师对学生要求太严了,尤其对男生。 B:Yeah, I agree, But some boys were chewing the fat in class. B:是的,我同意。...

  • 英语口语校园习语(59)chalk talk 边板书边讲话 日期:2017-04-05 12:18:10 点击:106 好评:0

    C-3:chalk talk 边板书边讲话 A:What is Mary doing with her friends? A:玛丽和她的小伙伴们在干吗? B:Shes giving them a chalk talk of a mathematies problem. B:她正连写带画地给他们讲一道数学题呢。 A:Shes...

  • 英语口语校园习语(58)catch-22 左右为难之境 日期:2017-04-05 12:17:35 点击:163 好评:0

    C-2:catch-22 左右为难之境 A:Why not continue your schooling? Youve to get a diploma to earn more money. A:为什么不继续上学呢?要赚更多的钱就要有文凭。 B:But I need more money before I go to school. B:但是我现...

  • 英语口语校园习语(57)catch up with 赶上 日期:2017-04-05 12:17:03 点击:127 好评:0

    C-1: catch up with 赶上 A:I really want to give up my studies. A:我真想放弃我的学业了。 B:What? How can you say so? B:什么?你怎么能这么说呢? A:I cant catch up with my classmates, I cant follow the teacher in class...

  • 英语口语校园习语(56)burn the midnight oil 熬夜工 日期:2017-04-05 12:16:32 点击:108 好评:0

    B-36:burn the midnight oil 熬夜工作 A:You look sleepy. Have you been burning the midnight oil recently? A: 你看上去很困。最近是不是熬夜用功呢? B: Yes, Ive been preparing for my finals. B:是啊。我一直在准备...

  • 英语口语校园习语(55)buckle down on 开始认真地干 日期:2017-04-05 12:15:53 点击:251 好评:0

    B-35:buckle down on 开始认真地干 A:I dont know why you change your mind. You are looking forward to traveling abroad, arent you? A: 我不明白你为什么改变主意。你不是一直渴望到国外去旅游吗? B: Yeah. But...

  • 英语口语校园习语(54)brush up 复习 日期:2017-04-05 12:15:23 点击:146 好评:0

    B-34:brush up 复习 A: What are you doing these days? A: 你最近在忙什么? B: Im brushing up my Japanese. B:我正在复习日语。 A: Reviewing your Japanese? What for? A:复习日语?为什么? B: Im preparing for the e...

  • 英语口语校园习语(53)brown off 惹恼 日期:2017-04-05 12:13:57 点击:121 好评:0

    B-33: brown off 惹恼 A: When will you be meeting your grammar teacher, John? A: 约翰,你什么时候见语法老师? B: Next Monday. B:下周一。 A: Can I attend his lectures for a few times? A: 我可以参加几次他的讲座吗...

  • 英语口语校园习语(52)bring to oneself 苏醒 日期:2017-04-05 12:13:21 点击:215 好评:0

    B-32: bring to oneself 苏醒 A: Tom has made everything at sixes and sevens. A:汤姆把每件事都搞得乱七八糟的。 B: I know someone can teach him a lesson. B:我知道有人能给他点教训。 A: Who? A:谁? B: I think...

  • 英语口语校园习语(51)bring (sb./sth.) up 提起 日期:2017-04-05 12:12:49 点击:92 好评:0

    B-31:bring (sb./sth.) up 提起 A: What are the students doing now? A: 那些学生现在在干什么? B: They are having a meeting. B:他们正在开会。 A: What are they discussing? A:他们在讨论什么呢? B: They brought...
