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  • 英语口语校园习语(40)beat the drum 热烈支持 日期:2017-04-05 11:44:39 点击:96 好评:0

    B-20:beat the drum 热烈支持 A:Whatre they discussing now? A: 他们正在讨论什么? B: They are going to hold a welcome party for the newcorner. B:他们正准备为新生召开一个欢迎会。 A: Id beat the drum for them....

  • 英语口语校园习语(39)beat the hand 了不起 日期:2017-04-05 11:43:59 点击:181 好评:0

    B-19:beat the hand 了不起 A:He beats the band. A: 他可真了不起。 B:Yeah. Every time he makes the family feel proud of him. B:就是。他每次都让自己的家人感到很骄傲。 A: Not like us, the black sheep of the...

  • 英语口语校园习语(38)bear something in mind 把某事 日期:2017-04-05 11:42:16 点击:206 好评:0

    B-18:bear something in mind 把某事记在心 A:Bill, your homework is too messy. A: 比尔,你的作业做得太乱。 B: Ill pay attention to my handwriting next time. B:下次我会注意书写的。 A: Is this a promise? A: 这是...

  • 英语口语校园习语(37)bear down on 对……施加压 日期:2017-04-05 11:41:39 点击:181 好评:0

    B-17: bear down on 对施加压力 A:Do you have any pressure before the important exam? A: 在重大考试之前,你们有压力吗? B: Of course. I think everyone has. B:当然有。我想每个人都有压力。 A: Who do you thi...

  • 英语口语校园习语(36)be up in the ears 忙于…… 日期:2017-04-05 11:40:36 点击:212 好评:0

    B-16:be up in the ears 忙于 A: You seem to be up in the ears. What have you been doing? A: 你最近好像忙得不可开交。在干什么呢? B: Ive been preparing for entrance examination. B: 我一直在准备入学考试。 A: We...

  • 英语口语校园习语(35)be over 结束了 日期:2017-03-31 12:18:02 点击:126 好评:0

    B-15:be over 结束了 A:Two years are over and I have to be realistic about myself. A:两年过去了,得现实一些了。 B: What do you mean? B:为什么这么说? A: I dont think I can live up to the goals set two years ago...

  • 英语口语校园习语(34)be out of one's depth 日期:2017-03-31 12:17:31 点击:124 好评:0

    B-14:be out of ones depth 超出某人的理解力或力所不及 A: I wont select computer science this semester. A: 这学期我不想选修计算机课了。 B: Why not? B:为什么不? A: It seems to be out of my depth. A: 对我而...

  • 英语口语校园习语(33)be on one's back 卧病 日期:2017-03-31 12:16:20 点击:111 好评:0

    B-13:be on ones back 卧病 A:Wheres Peter? I havent seen him for quite a few days. A: 彼得在哪儿呢?我好几天没见着他了。 B: Hes on his back now. B:他卧床不起了。 A: Im sorry to hear that. But he was all right...

  • 英语口语校园习语(32)be off the beam 走歪门邪道 日期:2017-03-31 12:15:31 点击:95 好评:0

    B-12:be off the beam 走歪门邪道 A: Have you worked out the answer to this problem? A: 这道题目做出来了吗? B:Not yet. I just cant calculate the result. B:还没有。我就是算不出结果来。 A: Let me see. Ah, you...

  • 英语口语校园习语(31)be head over heels in love 日期:2017-03-31 12:14:59 点击:150 好评:0

    B-11:be head over heels in love 坠入爱河 A:John doesnt look the same as before. A: 约翰看起来和以前不一样了。 B: Cant you see hes head over heels in love? B: 你看不出他已坠入爱河了吗? A: Really? With whom?...
