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  • 英语口语校园习语(30)be finished 完蛋了的 日期:2017-03-31 12:14:26 点击:176 好评:0

    B-10:be finished 完蛋了的 A:Tom, your teacher called to say that you are playing truant again. A: 汤姆,你的老师打电话来说你又逃学了。 B: I hate the school, with all the work and disciplines. B:我讨厌学校,还...

  • 英语口语校园习语(29)be evenly matched 实力相当 日期:2017-03-31 12:13:56 点击:164 好评:0

    B-9: be evenly matched 实力相当 A:What do you think of the Brazilian and Argentine teams? A: 你觉得巴西队和阿根延队怎么样? B: They are evenly matched. B:他们的实力相当。 A: But, I think the Brazilians footwor...

  • 英语口语校园习语(28)be dressed (up) to the nines 日期:2017-03-31 12:13:49 点击:122 好评:0

    B-8:be dressed (up) to the nines 讲究穿着 A:Why do you look so excited? A:你怎么那么兴奋啊? B: We will have the graduation ball tonight. B:今晚要开毕业舞会。 A: So what? A:那又怎么样? B: All the girls w...

  • 英语口语校园习语(27)be awashed in... 整天泡在… 日期:2017-03-31 12:12:17 点击:169 好评:0

    B-6:be awashed in... 整天泡在 A:Im having a crush on that girl, but I dont know how to impress her. A: 我迷上那姑娘了,但是我不知道怎样才能让她对我印象深刻。 B: I hear that she is awashed in reading fashio...

  • 英语口语校园习语(26)be all ears 全神贯注地听 日期:2017-03-31 12:11:38 点击:200 好评:0

    B-5:be all ears 全神贯注地听 A:Jack, what are you doing? Listen to me carefully, please. A: 杰克,你在做什么?请注意听。 B: Why, I am all ears. B:怎么啦,我在全神贯注地听呢。 A: Thats all right, Can y...

  • 英语口语校园习语(25)bank on/upon 依赖 日期:2017-03-31 12:11:06 点击:168 好评:0

    B-4:bank on/upon 依赖 A:Are you sure of your success in this election? A: 你对这次选举的成功有把握吗? B: No. I cant bank on their support. B:没有。我不能指望他们的支援。 A: Why? A: 为什么? B: Becaus...

  • 英语口语校园习语(24)bag 逃课 日期:2017-03-31 12:09:42 点击:227 好评:0

    B-3:bag 逃课 A:John bagged class yesterday.Do you know what happened to him? A:约翰昨天逃课了。你知道发生了什么事情吗? B:I hear his girlfriend came to see him from abroad. B:我听说他的女朋友从国外...

  • 英语口语校园习语(23)back up 支持 日期:2017-03-31 12:08:45 点击:199 好评:0

    B-2:back up 支持 A: I decide not to buy the mobile phone. A: 我决定先不买手机了。 B: But you told me yesterday you would. B: 可昨天你还说你会买。 A: I have changed my mind. A: 我改主意了。 B: Whats wrong? B:怎...

  • 英语口语校园习语(22)back down 打退堂鼓 日期:2017-03-31 12:08:17 点击:230 好评:0

    B-1:back down 打退堂鼓 A: He has backed down from his intention to go to America. A: 他已经放弃了去美国的打算。 B: Because of what? B: 为什么? A: Money, of course. Its the matter. He wants to realize his American dre...

  • 英语口语校园习语(21)at sea 不知所措 日期:2017-03-31 12:07:48 点击:133 好评:0

    A-21:at sea 不知所措 A:Im all at sea in Professor Blacks lectures. A: 听布莱克教授的课我是一片茫然。 B: Are you? I like his lectures. B:真的?我喜欢听他讲的课。 A: Can you give me some suggestions? A: 能给...
