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  • 英语口语校园习语(110)get a life 有点生气 日期:2017-04-17 12:10:05 点击:209 好评:0

    G-3:get a life 有点生气 A:Oh, leave me alone. Im not interested in playing basketball or any other ball. A:唉,别管我。我对打篮球或其他什么球一点儿都不感兴趣。 B:Be real, get a life. B:面对现实吧,振...

  • 英语口语校园习语(109)get a bad name 名誉不佳 日期:2017-04-17 12:09:33 点击:95 好评:0

    G-2:get a bad name 名誉不佳 A:Your class has a newcomer. A:你们班来了个新同学。 B:Yeah. That idiot B:是的,那个大白痴。 A:Why do you say so? A:你怎么这么说? B:He has got a bad name in the former clas...

  • 英语口语校园习语(108)gain ground 有进步 日期:2017-04-17 12:09:01 点击:146 好评:0

    G-1:gain ground 有进步 A:How are you getting along with your English study? A:你的英语学得怎么样了? B:I have been gaining ground daily. B:我每天部有所进步。 A:How can you manage to do that? A:你是怎么做到这...

  • 英语口语校园习语(107)free-wheeling 随心所欲的 日期:2017-04-17 12:08:22 点击:151 好评:0

    F-18:free-wheeling 随心所欲的 A:Are you free-wheeling about what you do? A:你的事能自己做主吗? B:Well, depends on what I do. Sometimes my father gives me a free hand, and sometimes he demands that I toe the line. B:嗯,那要...

  • 英语口语校园习语(106)forlorn hope 敢死队 日期:2017-04-17 12:07:37 点击:154 好评:0

    F-17:forlorn hope 敢死队 A:I have read a book. But I just remember several sentences. I wonder where they are from. A:我曾读过一本书。可现在只记得几个句子了。我想知道它们是哪本书上的。 B:Tell me one sente...

  • 英语口语校园习语(105)for the nonce 临时 日期:2017-04-17 12:06:55 点击:167 好评:0

    F-16:for the nonce 临时 A:Would you like to lend your pen to me? A:你能借我一支钢笔吗? B:Of course. Here you are. B:当然可以。给你。 A:Thanks. A:谢谢。 B:You see, this is a poor pen, but it will do for the nonce. B:...

  • 英语口语校园习语(104)for fun 好玩儿 日期:2017-04-17 12:06:16 点击:160 好评:0

    F-15:for fun 好玩儿 A:Tom walked away with Mrs. Smiths lipsticks. A:汤姆顺手牵羊拿走了史密斯太太的口红。 B:Ive known that. I asked him the reason, and he said he did this just for fun. B:我知道了,我问他为什么...

  • 英语口语校园习语(103)for certain 确定无疑地 日期:2017-04-17 12:05:18 点击:99 好评:0

    F-14:for certain 确定无疑地 A:Howre you going to prepare for the test? A:你想怎样复习来准备这场考试? B:Well, Im not going to learn the grammatical rules by heart. B:嗯,我不会去背语法规则的。 A:But those a...

  • 英语口语校园习语(102)foot it 步行 日期:2017-04-17 12:04:29 点击:252 好评:0

    F-13:foot it 步行 A:Shall we take a bus to the Forest Zoo? A:我们乘车去森林动物园好吗? B:I think wed better foot it since its too crowded on the bus. B:车上太挤了,我们最好步行。 A:OK. I agree with you. A:好吧...

  • 英语口语校园习语(101)follow the crowd 无主见 日期:2017-04-17 12:03:56 点击:262 好评:0

    F-12:follow the crowd 无主见 A:There is a rumour going around that Mr. Smith will be our new Department Head. A:有谣传说史密斯先生将是我们新的系主任。 B:What? I cant believe it, I must say. B:什么?我得说我根本...
