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  • 英语口语校园习语(120)get the wooden spoon受到批评 日期:2017-04-17 12:20:12 点击:242 好评:0

    G-13:get the wooden spoon 受到批评 A:Whats wrong with John? He seems to he very depressed these days. A:约翰怎么了?他这几天看起来情绪很不好。 B:He got the wooden spoon for failing to pass the final exam. B:他期...

  • 英语口语校园习语(119)get stuck 卡壳儿 日期:2017-04-17 12:17:55 点击:272 好评:0

    G-12:get stuck 卡壳儿 A:I got stuck on this problem. A:在这个问题上我卡壳儿了。 B:Thats a touchy issue! B:这可是个棘手的问题。 A:Dont count on me. A:别指望我了。 B:Cheer up, I think you can make it. B:振...

  • 英语口语校园习语(118)get stage fright 怯场 日期:2017-04-17 12:17:17 点击:125 好评:0

    G-11:get stage fright 怯场 A:I hear that Mike wont run for Chairmanship of the Student Union. A:我听说迈克不打算竞选学生会主席了。 B:You know that he always gets stage fright. Even when he is speaking before a small gro...

  • 英语口语校园习语(117)get sb. wrong 冤枉某人 日期:2017-04-17 12:16:36 点击:239 好评:0

    G-10:get sb. wrong 冤枉某人 A:Jack is a bookworm. A:杰克是个书呆子。 B:What makes you think so? B:你怎么这么想? A:He prefers to read rather than watch television. He never does physical exercise. A:他宁愿看书也...

  • 英语口语校园习语(116)get round 说服(某人)听 日期:2017-04-17 12:14:48 点击:144 好评:0

    G-9:get round 说服(某人)听其主张 A:Whats your plan for this winter vacation? A:这个寒假你想干什么? B:Im going skiing in the Alps. B:我要去阿尔卑斯山滑雪。 A:But its very dangerous for a beginner. Do your...

  • 英语口语校园习语(115)get one's fingers burned 引火 日期:2017-04-17 12:13:49 点击:290 好评:0

    G-8:get ones fingers burned 引火烧身 A:Stay away from that guy as far as possible. A:离那个家伙尽可能远点儿。 B:Oh, Mum. I cant. B:噢,妈妈。我不能。 A:If you dont listen to me, youll get your fingers burned....

  • 英语口语校园习语(114)get one's cheese 如愿以偿 日期:2017-04-17 12:13:11 点击:88 好评:0

    G-7:get ones cheese 如愿以偿 A:Mum, Yale accepts my application. A:妈妈,我被耶鲁大学录取了。 B:Really? You get your cheese at last. Im so proud of you . B:这是真的吗?你终于如愿以偿了。我真为你骄傲。...

  • 英语口语校园习语(113)get on the bandwagon 赶浪头 日期:2017-04-17 12:12:06 点击:192 好评:0

    G-6:get on the bandwagon 赶浪头 A:What are you supposed to do now? A:你看现在该怎么办呢? B:The only thing for me to do is to get on the bandwagon. B:我只能随大流了。 A:It can be taken as a way. A:这倒是个办法。...

  • 英语口语校园习语(112)get on one's nerves 日期:2017-04-17 12:11:27 点击:206 好评:0

    G-5:get on ones nerves 使心烦意乱 A:Whats getting on your nerves? A:什么事使你这么心烦意乱? B:The teacher said that four of us had failed the English exam. B:老师说有四个人英语考试不及格。 A:Yeah. Dont w...

  • 英语口语校园习语(111)get ahead with 使……有进 日期:2017-04-17 12:10:41 点击:304 好评:0

    G-4:get ahead with 使有进展 A:Im going to play basketball this afternoon. A:我今天下午去打篮球。 B:I think you had better not. B:你最好别去。 A:Why? A:为什么? B:Well get ahead with a new lesson this afternoon. B:我...
