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  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 60、burn the candle at bot 日期:2017-07-27 12:21:06 点击:233 好评:0

    B-27:burn the candle at both ends 过分消耗精力或钱财 A:Do you know their government has just announced to build a nuclear power plant? A:你知道吗?他们的政府刚刚宣布要建立一座核电站。 B:Yes. B:我知道。 A:...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 59、built on the sand 日期:2017-07-27 12:20:21 点击:162 好评:0

    B-26:built on the sand 不切实际 A:They got a divoree at last. A:他们最终还是离婚了。 B:Its inevitable. Their love was built on the sand, and this is why their marriage has landed on the rocks. B:这是不可避免的,他们...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 58、build a fire under som 日期:2017-07-27 12:19:41 点击:116 好评:0

    B-25:build a fire under somebody 催促某人 A:Hurry up! Time is money! A:快点,时间就是金钱! B:Dont build a fire under me. I know the importance of time. B:别催我,我知道时间的重要性。 A:But you are too slow to...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 57、break up 分开 日期:2017-07-27 12:18:56 点击:210 好评:0

    B-24:break up 分开 A:What will happen to the children if you break up? A:如果你们分手了,孩子们怎么办? B:Thats a relief for me and a misery for the children. B:对我来说这是解脱,对孩子来说这是一场灾难。...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 56、break out 出现 日期:2017-07-27 12:18:08 点击:162 好评:0

    B-23:break out (occur, happen suddenly) 出现 A:Please tell us the exact time when the big fire broke out. A:请告诉我们失火发生的确切时间。 B:The exact time? Let me think, You know, it happened at night. B:确切时间?让...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 55、brazen it out 厚颜无耻 日期:2017-07-27 12:16:51 点击:233 好评:0

    B-22:brazen it out 厚颜无耻 A:Didnt Joe feel it a shame to live on his parents since he has gradualed from college? A:难道乔大学毕业后仍靠他父母生活不觉得难为情吗? B:He has no sense. B:他没有一点感觉。 A:...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 54、blunder upon 日期:2017-07-27 12:15:28 点击:237 好评:0

    B-21:blunder upon 无意中发现 A:Is this watch yours? A:这是你的手表吗? B:No, it isnt mine. I blundered upop it under the sofa. Do you know whose watch it is? B:不是我的,我在沙发下面拣到的。你知道是谁的吗?...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 53、blue in the face 很生气 日期:2017-07-27 12:11:54 点击:91 好评:0

    B-20:blue in the face 很生气 A:You are blue in the face, arent you? A:你面红耳赤的,生气了吗? B:The cat has eaten my fish, Ill kill it. B:猫吃了我的鱼,我要杀了它。 A:But supposing your son killed the fish, what...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 52、blow hot and cold 日期:2017-07-27 12:10:58 点击:118 好评:0

    B-19:blow hot and cold 出尔反尔 A:Look! The girl is so beautiful and she is smiling at me. She is lovely! A: 看!那个女孩真漂亮,她对我笑呢。她真是可爱! B: I cant agree with you. Shes pretty, but she always bl...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 51、bite the bullet 日期:2017-07-27 12:10:15 点击:193 好评:0

    B-18: bite the bullet 咬紧牙关挺住 A:I dont know what I can do now. Im down and out. A: 我不知道我现在能干什么,我穷困潦倒。 B: Youre not on the gravy train, I guess. But bite the bullet and youll soon be in the ch...
