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  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 70、cook up 捏造 日期:2017-08-02 12:06:02 点击:206 好评:0

    C-8:cook up 捏造 A:You seem to like her very much, dont you? A:你好像很喜欢她,是不是? B:I cant deny that. She is so beautiful that I fell in love with her at first sight. I wish I knew more about her. B:我承认。她这么...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 69、come to a sticky end 日期:2017-08-02 12:05:15 点击:135 好评:0

    C-7:come to a sticky end下场(结局)难以收拾 A:You know that? Dan got a divorce. A:你知道吗?丹离婚了。 B:Really? I thought he loved his wife very much. B:这是真的吗?我还以为他很爱他的妻子呢。 A:Yeah. But...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 68、come and go转瞬即逝 日期:2017-08-02 12:04:17 点击:174 好评:0

    C-6:come and go转瞬即逝 A:You married Joe, didnt you? A:你和乔结婚了吧? B:Joe? I dont know what you mean. B:乔?不知道你在说什么。 A:I remember you are in love. A:我记得你们在谈恋爱。 B:Oh, I took a shine...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 67、cliff-hanger 惊险的情 日期:2017-08-02 12:03:21 点击:227 好评:0

    C-5:cliff-hanger 惊险的情况 A:Your husband is very helpful,isnt he? A:你丈夫能帮上你很多忙,不是吗? B:Willing to help, maybe, but not as helpful as you think. B:也许他是挺愿意帮忙的,可他不像你想象得那...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 66、clamp down on 取缔 日期:2017-08-02 12:02:23 点击:101 好评:0

    C-4:clamp down on 取缔 A:Its said that the goverment will clamp down on the new policy. A:据说政府要取缔那项新政策了。 B:Are you sure of that? B:你敢肯定吗? A:I am not certain about it. A:我也不确信这个消息。...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 65、chuckhole 路上的坑 日期:2017-07-27 12:25:15 点击:112 好评:0

    C-3:chuckhole 路上的坑 A:Dad, youve been driving for three hours. Why dont we have a switch? A:爸爸,你都开了三个小时车了,咱们换换吧。 B:Therere a lot of chuckholes on this old highway. Driving on it is experience...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 64、chill out 罢手 日期:2017-07-27 12:24:29 点击:239 好评:0

    C-2:chill out 罢手 A:What will you do now? Propose to her? A:你现在怎么办?向她求婚吗? B:Of course I wontt chill out. Opportunity knocks only once. B:我当然不会罢手的,机会难得嘛。 A:You should strike whil...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 63、carry a torch for some 日期:2017-07-27 12:23:38 点击:213 好评:0

    C-1:carry a torch for somebody 单相思 A:John hasnt got married up to now. A:约翰到现在还没结婚呢。 B:Dont you know that he has been carrying a torch for Mary for years? B:难道你不知道他这么多年来一直单恋着玛...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 62、butter both sides of o 日期:2017-07-27 12:22:43 点击:234 好评:0

    B-29:butter both sides of ones bread 左右逢源 A:May doesnt get along very well with her mother-in-law. A:玫和她婆婆相处得不好。 B:Yeah. Thats just what is troubling John. B:是呀,那正是约翰心烦的事。 A:Poor J...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 61、butt in 插嘴 日期:2017-07-27 12:22:01 点击:117 好评:0

    B-28:butt in 插嘴 A:Why are you so rude to your wife? A:你为什么对你的妻子这么粗鲁无礼? B:I didnt like her butting in where I didnt want her. Shes a chatter box. B:我不喜欢她干涉我的事。她老是唠唠叨叨地...
