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  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 40、be in the seventh heav 日期:2017-07-20 12:03:44 点击:168 好评:0

    B-7:be in the seventh heaven 高兴极了 A:You seem to be in the seventh heaven. Whats put you on? A: 你看起来非常高兴。有什么喜事? B: Sarah and I could see eye to eye with each other. B:莎拉和我取得了一致意见...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 39、be hard up 一贫如洗 日期:2017-07-20 12:03:02 点击:147 好评:0

    B-6: be hard up 一贫如洗 A:Sam, we are hard up for the everyday expenses. When can you find a job? A: 山姆,我们已经穷得揭不开锅了,你什么时候才能找到工作? B: Im looking for it. but you see, the market is h...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 38、be expecting 怀孕 日期:2017-07-20 12:02:06 点击:244 好评:0

    B-5:be expecting 怀孕 A:Where are you going? A: 你去哪儿? B: Ill accompany my wife to the hospital. B: 我陪妻子去医院。 A: Whats wrong with her? A: 她怎么了? B: Oh, shes expecting. B:她怀孕了。 A: Congratula...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 37、be down one's alley 日期:2017-07-20 12:01:28 点击:138 好评:0

    B-4:be down ones alley 最擅长的 A:Finding an excuse is obviously down your alley. And trying to avoid taking care of the children is what you are good at. A: 你最擅长的就是找错口。不去照顾孩子也是你的专利。 B...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 36、be at one's wits' end 日期:2017-07-20 11:59:11 点击:165 好评:0

    B-3: be at ones wits end 不知如何是好 A:Does he know that hes already at his wits end? A:他知不知道他已经山穷水尽了? B: I think hes realized that. But hes still whistling in the dark by putting up an act. B:我想他...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 35、bat around 推敲 日期:2017-07-14 12:16:13 点击:255 好评:0

    B-2: bat around 推敲 A:I didnt like my brothers batting around without doing anything useful. A:我不喜欢我弟弟天天游游逛逛而什么正经事也不干。 B: Maybe he is trying to find a job. When he finds one, everything w...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 34、bag and baggage 总的 日期:2017-07-14 12:15:35 点击:225 好评:0

    B-1:bag and baggage 总的 A: Susan is going to get a divorce. A: 苏珊要离婚了。 B: How do you know that? B: 你怎么知道的? A: She told me that Peter and she had a quarrel last night, and she left this morning, bag and bagga...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 33、atomic cocktail 日期:2017-07-14 12:14:52 点击:268 好评:0

    A-33: atomic cocktail 原子鸡尾酒 A:Susan has got the cancer of the stomach. A: 苏珊得了胃癌。 B: How terrible!This is quite unexpected! B:太可怕了,真是难以置信! A: Yesterday when I went to the hospital to see h...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 32、at one's bidding 日期:2017-07-14 12:14:09 点击:136 好评:0

    A-32:at ones bidding 遵之命 A: I heard that Ann had divorced. A: 我听说安离婚了。 B: I suspect its unavoidable. B:我料想这是不可避免的。 A: Poor Ann. She didnt love her husband at all. A:可怜的安,她根本不...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 31、at loose ends 没事可做 日期:2017-07-14 12:13:24 点击:148 好评:0

    A-31:at loose ends 没事可做 A: I understand your feeling.When someone is feeling at loose ends, We may show mercy on him. This is what we call themilk of human kindness. A: 我能理解你的感受。当一个人心里没有着落时,...
