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  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 50、big house 监狱 日期:2017-07-20 12:11:41 点击:173 好评:0

    B-17:big house 监狱 A: A friend of mine is now in the big house. He was caught red-handed for selling cocaine. A: 我的一个朋友现在在监狱里,他出售可卡因给人当场抓住了。 B: Thats a deadly risky business. He sho...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 49、between you and me 日期:2017-07-20 12:11:33 点击:137 好评:0

    B-16:between you and me 你知我知 A: Between you and me. I managed to put the frog is Miss Youngs handbag. A: 你知我知,别告诉别人我设法把青蛙放进杨小姐的手提包里了。 B: Good old Jack! Nobody saw you? B:好样...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 48、beef 发牢骚 日期:2017-07-20 12:10:13 点击:256 好评:0

    B-15:beef 发牢骚 A:I dont understand why some parents keep beefing and complaining about their daughters not being able to follow suit. A: 我真搞不明白为什么一些父母总是不停地发牢骚,抱怨他们的女儿们不学...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 47、beat the drum(s) 日期:2017-07-20 12:09:33 点击:223 好评:0

    B-14:beat the drum(s) 热烈支持 A:Which school is your child in? A: 你的小孩现在在哪儿上学? B: She is now in a private school. B:一家私立学校。 A: Oh, it costs too much. Its more expensive than the public school...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 46、beat around/about the 日期:2017-07-20 12:08:49 点击:189 好评:0

    B-13: beat around/about the bush 说话兜圈子 A:I wonder if I can ask you a question. A: 我能问你一个问题吗? B: Ask me a question? What do you want to know? B:问我个问题,你想知道什么呢? A: Well...er...it is...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 45、be up in arms 满腔怒火 日期:2017-07-20 12:07:53 点击:223 好评:0

    B-12:be up in arms 满腔怒火 A:What do you think of the plan for the new airport near here? A: 你觉得在这儿附近建机场的计划怎么样? B: Perhaps they should give it a second thought. The residents here are getting up...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 44、be taken aback 日期:2017-07-20 12:07:41 点击:103 好评:0

    B-11:be taken aback 大吃一惊 A:Johns father got married again! A: 约翰的父亲又结婚了! B: Married whom? B: 他娶了谁? A: If I tell you, you must be completely taken aback. A: 我要是告诉了你,你一定会大吃一...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 43、be on edge 坐卧不安 日期:2017-07-20 12:06:02 点击:136 好评:0

    B-10:be on edge 坐卧不安 A: You seem to have all the jitters about Jane. A: 你好像为简感到特别不安。 B: Yeah. Im on edge since she was out to the match. B:是啊,自从她离家去比赛后我就一直坐卧不安。 A...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 42、be off one's head 日期:2017-07-20 12:05:17 点击:303 好评:0

    B-9:be off ones head 变疯狂 A: You want to go with him? A:你要和他处朋友? B: Yes! B:是呀! A: Then you muse be off your head. He is a real bastard. A: 那你肯定是疯了,这小子最不是东西了。...

  • 脱口说英语口语生活习语 41、be more nice than wise 日期:2017-07-20 12:04:33 点击:269 好评:0

    B-8: be more nice than wise 死要面子活受罪 A:Henry married Rose only after her fathers money, didnt he? A:亨利只是因为看上了罗斯父亲的钱才娶了罗斯,对不对? B: Yeah. But he soon felt regretted for it. B:没...
