


时间:2017-02-13 12:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
江苏省高考英语写作词数的要求:(2005年:100词左右;2006年至2007年:120词左右,2008年至2009年150词左右),而且江苏省高考书面表达评分原则之一是: 词数过少或过多,从总分中减去2分。总之,随着
  •   江苏省高考英语写作词数的要求:(2005年:100词左右;2006年至2007年:120词左右,2008年至2009年150词左右),而且江苏省高考书面表达评分原则之一是: 词数过少或过多,从总分中减去2分。总之,随着书面表达词数增加,标准的提高,对考生的表达能力提出了更新、更高的要求。然而,本人在教学中发现一方面一些学生作文词数达不到题目的要求; 另一方面有些学生词数够了,但是其中有些是为了凑足词数,在写作是“尽其所能发挥想象力”增加了许多离题较远的细枝末节, 这样的文章虽然词数够了,但主题句较少,或是句子之间的逻辑关系混乱,连贯性不强,有些句子甚至是画蛇添足。
      本人认为, 题目要求词数之所以写不够,或是写够了而主题句较少,逻辑思维较乱,原因之一是题目要求理解不透彻,急于下笔,采用要点直译法,最终造成了句子之间内容缺乏逻辑联系。
      Dear Peter,
      I’m glad to receive your letter askingfor my advice on how to learn Chinesewell.Now I’ll give you some advice.First,I suggest you should take aChinese course.Second,you can watch TVand read books,newspapers and magazinesin Chinese.Third,it should be a good ideato learn and sing Chinese songs.Besides,you can also make Chinese friends.Try and write me in Chinese nextt i m e .
      Best wishes,
      Li Hua
      该篇习作虽然题目要求要点已全部覆盖,但词数严重不足,那么怎样才能做到既覆盖题目要求要点,又能达到词数要求,而且句子之间的逻辑关系密切, 文章结构紧凑?解决这一问题除了学会使用一些衔接语之外,更重要的就是要掌握要点扩充法,即在锁定题目要求要点的基础上, 按照一定的原则扩充。本人在平时的教学中,总结了几种常见的要点扩充法。
      要点扩充法一: 添加与所给信息有关的原因, 结果, 条件, 目的等内容。扩展原因:
      take a Chinese course.
      扩展: First,it is important to take a
      Chinese course,as you’ll be able to learn
      from the teacher and practice with your
      fellow students.
      learn and sing Chinese songs.
      扩展:It should be a good idea to
      learn and sing Chinese songs because by
      doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese
      words more easily.
      例3 : 老师倾听学生了解学生, 满足要
      listen more to their students,then theycan meet their needs better.
      扩展:Theacher should listen more totheir students,then they can meet theirneeds better and place themselves in agood relationship with their students.
      introduce the Chinese culture andhistory to foreigners.扩展:They should introduce the Chineseculture and history to foreigners sothat they may know China better.
      要点扩充法二: 添加恰当的谚语。
      It’s good for us students to takee x e c i s e .
      扩展:As the saying goes,“All workand no play makes Jack a dull boy.”It’sgood for us students to take execise.
      We should focus our mind on ours t u d i e s .
      扩展:As the saying goes, “No pains,no gains” We should focus our mind onour studies.
      要点扩充法三: 举例说明。
      例7 : 人与自然, 能源, 环境, 动植物, 爱
      We are not supposed to waste anye n e r g y .
      We should protect our environment,
      wild animals and plants.
      扩展:We are not supposed to wastea n y e n e g y , e g . w a t e r , o i l , c o a l a n de l e c t r i c i t y . W e s h o u l d p r o t e c t o u renvironment,wild animals and plants tomake the world a better place to live in.
      Many populated areas suffer from manynatural disasters.
      扩展:Many populated areas suffer frommany natural disasters such as flood,hurricanes,droughts or other disasters.下面的这一篇习作是利用上述的要点扩充法之后所写的2008年全国卷二的习作:
      Dear Peter,
      I’m glad to receive your letter asking formy advice on how to learn Chinese well.Here are a few suggestions. First ,itis important to take a Chinese course,asyou’ll be able to learn from the teacherand practice with your fellow students.Then it also helps to watch TV and readbooks,newspapers and magazines in Chinesewhenever possible.Besides,it shouldbe a good idea to learn and sing Chinesesongs because by doing so you’ll learn andremember Chinese words easily.You canalso make more Chinese friends so thatthey will tell you a lot about China andhelp you learn Chinese.
      Try and write me in Chinese nextt i m e .
      Best wishes,
      Li Hua
      这篇习作除了要点齐全, 词数满足要求,同时还因使用了合理的要点扩充法,使习作中多次出现了复合句, 句与句之间逻辑关系密切。因此在书面表达中,如能恰当使用要点扩充法, 我们的文章就不会出现词数不够,句子不连贯,句子之间缺乏逻辑关系。当然,就要点扩充法而言远不止上述列举的方法, 本人会在以后的教学中不断总结, 加以完善。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      科学背单词      英语单词背诵      单词学习技巧      

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