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时间:2016-03-06 17:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:53.90]You do know your wifes living in London with another man? 你应该知道你老婆跟别的男人住在伦敦吧? [00:58.90]That is my business. 那是我的事 [01:01.30]My private life is my business. 我的私生活是我个人的
  •   [00:53.90]You do know your wife’s living in London with another man? 你应该知道你老婆跟别的男人住在伦敦吧?
      [00:58.90]That is my business. 那是我的事
      [01:01.30]My private life is my business. 我的私生活是我个人的事
      [01:03.90]Do you know the name of this man? 知道这男人的名字吗?
      [01:05.10]Why should I answer these questions? 我为要回答这些问题?
      [01:10.30]You don’t have to, but you’d be better off if you did. 你当然可以不用回答 但是你回答会比较好
      [01:16.70]I don’t know the man’s name. 我不知道这男人的名字
      [01:19.30]I never asked. 我从没问过
      [01:22.50]So you do admit that your wife’s living in London with another man? 那你承认你老婆跟别的男人住在伦敦了?
      [01:30.30]Yes.Yes. 是的 没错
      [01:33.30]So what? 那又怎样?
      [01:35.70]Well, I can tell you the man’s name. 好的 我可以告诉你那个男人的名字
      [01:46.10]It’s Tindle. 他叫汀多
      [01:47.50]Milo Tindle. 麦罗 汀多
      [01:55.50]-Is it?-Yeah. -是吗? -是的
      [01:57.90]The bloke who’s disappeared. 就是失踪的那小子
      [02:01.90]The bloke who said he was coming to see you. 那小子失踪前说要来找你
      [02:05.70]We found this note in his room. 我们在他房里找到这张字条
      [02:07.30]At the pub2. 在酒吧台上
      [02:11.30]"I look forward to meeting you. “我期待见你
      [02:13.50]Come to the house Friday, 6:30. 周五晚6点半来我家
      [02:18.10]Wyke." 淮克”

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足迹      

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