


时间:2016-04-05 21:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:41.08]starts in less than an hour. 我要去彩排,我的新娘在等我 [02:42.92]- My bride is waiting for me. - Let me ask you something here. 假如莎拉突然出现 [02:45.24]If Sara were here right now, poof, came down, what wo
  •   [02:41.08]starts in less than an hour. 我要去彩排,我的新娘在等我
      [02:42.92]- My bride is waiting for me. - Let me ask you something here. 假如莎拉突然出现…
      [02:45.24]If Sara were here right now, poof, came down, what would she tell you to do?
      [02:48.60]She would tell me to run, not walk to the Waldorf... 会叫我去结婚,顺应徵兆
      [02:51.24]because all the signs point to me getting married.
      [02:51.52]Look. Wedding dress. Lots of white. 看吧,婚纱,白皑皑
      [02:53.20]- I hate to state the obvious-- - State it. 有一点显明到无谓提  即管提
      [02:57.28]If you don’t do this, you may never find out who Sara is. 不追查,就永远不知道莎拉是谁
      [02:59.68]Maybe I was never supposed to.
      [02:65.24]Maybe all this is just a maze6... 或者追查下去,只会徒劳无功
      [02:67.08]designed to lead me directly back to where I started.
      [02:73.88]Which is getting married. 那就是我应该结婚
      [02:83.04]- Halley? - Oh, my God. Eve! 希莉?
      [03:27.16]What a crazy coincidence! How are you? 噢,天啊!依芙!
      [03:31.60]- Good. - Oh, my God. Sara, can you believe... 好啊  想不到啊
      [03:34.44]that I was Halley’s R.A. in college? 大学时代我和希莉住同一宿舍
      [03:37.72]Isn’t that funny? Oh, I’m sorry. This is Sara. 你说多巧
      [03:40.24]- Hi. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. 这位是莎拉  幸会

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