


时间:2016-04-01 12:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:57.76]you find some altruistic8 need to protect these digital plantation9 owners? 觉得有需要去保护数码暴发户? [02:59.52]Wow. Come on. 帮帮忙吧 [02:64.24]Come on. [02:68.52]- You guys want the tenant10 on record in 199
  •   [02:57.76]you find some altruistic8 need to protect these digital plantation9 owners? 觉得有需要去保护数码暴发户?
      [02:59.52]Wow. Come on. 帮帮忙吧
      [02:64.24]Come on.
      [02:68.52]- You guys want the tenant10 on record in 1994? - December, to be exact. 你要1994年的租客名字?
      [02:78.44]- There’s your tenant. - Sebastian Mig-non? 你的租客
      [02:79.24]No. Mignon. It’s French. 米龙?
      [02:83.44]No, we’re looking for someone named Sara. You got the right one? 应该叫莎拉,你没查错吧?
      [03:27.76]- Maybe he was her boyfriend. - Thanks. 或者是她男友
      [03:30.16]- You did the right thing. Really, you did. - Good work, pal11. 你见义勇为
      [03:33.36]You got it. M-I-G-N-O-N. 写下来:米尼安,写好未?
      [03:34.88]You got it? There you go.
      [03:37.20]- Thank you so much, Sally. You gotta love her. - Where is he? 拜托你了,莎莉是个好帮手
      [03:41.44]- Brooklyn. - Okay, let’s, uh-- let’s grab a subway. 他住在哪里?  布鲁克林
      [03:43.48]Wait a minute. Wait. Aren’t you forgetting about something? 坐地铁去  你忘记了一件事
      [03:45.16]- What? - Wedding rehearsal12. Bachelor party. 什么事?  婚礼彩排
      [03:48.52]- Yes. Gotta go to Brooklyn. Come on. - ( Barks ) 肯定,走吧
      [03:54.20]( Gasps13 ) Prada! PRADA银包,不得了

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