


时间:2016-03-31 22:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:15.08]Which one? 哪一间?为什么不说? [03:19.12]Well, now, every time you go past an old book store, 你经过旧书店,只管进去看 [03:19.76]Youre not gonna tell me. Youre not gonna tell me. Why not? [03:23.92]youre gon
  •   [03:15.08]Which one? 哪一间?为什么不说?
      [03:19.12]Well, now, every time you go past an old book store, 你经过旧书店,只管进去看
      [03:19.76]You’re not gonna tell me. You’re not gonna tell me. Why not?
      [03:23.92]you’re gonna have to go inside to see if it’s there.
      [03:24.24]This is just wrong. You don’t just have the most incredible night of your life... 这样做是错的!
      [03:29.60]with a perfect stranger and then leave it all to chance, do ya? 怎可由机缘来决定会不会再见?
      [03:30.40]- Do ya? - Come with me a second.
      [03:36.08]I’m kidding. But I wanna know you more. 只是说笑,我想多了解你
      [03:36.28]What, we’re gonna get a room? 跟我来
      [03:39.52]- Come on. Where are we going? - Okay.
      [03:41.56]- Now, you stay here. - Okay. 到哪里去?  你站着
      [03:45.00]- No, stay here. Stay there. Don’t make me come over there. - Okay. 站着,不要动
      [03:50.44]All right, if we both randomly6 pick the same floor, we’re meant to be together now. 我们按同一层楼,就注定在一起
      [03:52.36]You’re insane. 发神经
      [03:53.56]Come on. Okay, get in.
      [03:58.48]Take a breath, and then when the door closes, hit a button. 进去吧

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