


时间:2020-03-05 19:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:08.52]Brown? Or flowers. 棕色的? 还是有花的? [00:13.60]Brown. - Are you sure? - 棕色的 - 你确定? [00:14.72]All right, we go. Go and get your stuff together, please? 好咧 我们走 你去理下东西好不? [00:19.80]Thank
  • [00:08.52]Brown? Or flowers. 棕色的? 还是有花的?
    [00:13.60]Brown. - Are you sure? - 棕色的 - 你确定?
    [00:14.72]All right, we go. Go and get your stuff together, please? 好咧 我们走 你去理下东西好不?
    [00:19.80]Thank you. 谢谢
    [00:27.76]Sunshine Cleaning. - Hello, Henry Smith, of State Farm. - 阳光清洁公司 - 你好 我是州立农业保险公司的Henry Smith
    [00:31.40]State Farm? Oh State Farm, hi. - I have called you about a month ago. - 州立农业保险? 哦 你好 - 大约一个月前我打过电话给你
    [00:33.44]Yeah, what can I do for you? 是吗 有什么能为您效劳?
    [00:36.96]We've got a house we need to turn around but our guys are busy in Santa Fe Today. 我们今天有间屋子要周转 不过我们的人都在圣达菲
    [00:40.56]So I thought, I give you a call. - Today? - 所以我想到了你们 - 今天吗?
    [00:43.92]Yes, 60 Howard Avenue Antelope1 Springs. 对 在羚羊泉 霍华德大街60号
    [00:47.44]All right..., thank you, bye bye. 那好 谢谢 再见
    [00:51.88]Blow off the shower. - I can't blow it off, I promised. - 别去迎婴洗礼了 - 不行 都答应人家了
    [00:56.20]Just tell them, You can't do it, Rose. 就跟他们说你抽不出身咯
    [01:00.36]It is an insurance company, Norah, They could throw us tons of business, this is our in. Norah 这是家保险公司 能给我们提供很多客户呢

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