


时间:2020-02-11 16:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.96]Oh. 哦. [00:06.80]So, I just wanted to come by and say Im sorry. 我过来就是给你道歉的. [00:07.16]Chris can be such an asshole when he gets angry, 克里斯生气的时候就是个混蛋, [00:11.32]Its just... 就是有点
  • [00:01.96]Oh. 哦.
    [00:06.80]So, I just wanted to come by and say I'm sorry. 我过来就是给你道歉的.
    [00:07.16]Chris can be such an asshole when he gets angry, 克里斯生气的时候就是个混蛋,
    [00:11.32]It's just... 就是有点...
    [00:11.48]but he's really not a bad guy. 但他确实不是坏人.
    [00:16.52]God, it's so nice and quiet in here. 上帝啊,这里这么漂亮和安静 .
    [00:20.68]Everybody's freaking out at my house about me being pregnant. 我家里人听说我怀孕了之后都惊呆了.
    [00:21.36]I live at home. 我本来在家住的.
    [00:26.88]I was gonna move in with Chris, but... 我要搬去跟克里斯一块住了,但是...
    [00:34.56]So, did the conductor guy used to live here? 哦,这里以前是不是列车长住的地方?
    [00:35.72]No. The conductor worked on the train. 不.列车长在车上工作.
    [00:39.76]The station agent worked in here. 车站管理员在这工作.
    [00:44.28]Doing what? 都干些什么?
    [00:46.60]A lot of things. 很多事.
    [00:46.96]The train brought in the mail. 接送火车上的邮包.
    [00:48.28]And the agent delivered it.
    [00:53.80]They sold groceries. 卖食品.
    [00:54.48]They cut hair. 他们还给人理发.
    [00:55.64]Really? 真的?
    [00:58.16]Yeah. 是的.
    [01:00.48]I'm retired1, actually. 我已经退休了.
    [01:00.84]Are you gonna open a salon2? 你不准备开个发廊?
    [01:03.84]Aren't you a little young to be retired? 你还年轻啊?
    [01:05.16]No. Dwarfs3 retire early. 不.正常情况下,侏儒退休的早.
    [01:09.04]Yeah, lazy dwarfs.
    [01:10.00]Common fact. 哦,懒惰的小矮人.
    [01:37.96]Can I stay here tonight? 今天晚上我能呆在这里吗?

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