


时间:2019-12-26 09:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:07.24]Shit. 该死. [03:20.28](Door opens, closes) [03:22.12]Olivia! 奥莉维亚! [03:28.32]You miss your train last night? 你昨晚错过了火车? [03:38.04](Knock on door) [03:42.40](Knock on door) [03:53.12]Hey. 嗨. [03:55.28]Brou
  • [03:07.24]Shit. 该死.
    [03:20.28](Door opens, closes)
    [03:22.12]Olivia! 奥莉维亚!
    [03:28.32]You miss your train last night? 你昨晚错过了火车?
    [03:38.04](Knock on door)
    [03:42.40](Knock on door)
    [03:53.12]Hey. 嗨.
    [03:55.28]Brought you a cafe con1 leche. 给你的咖啡.
    [03:57.28]Whoa. 哇.
    [03:57.96]Thanks. 谢谢.
    [03:60.12]So, what happened? 说吧,都发生了什么?
    [04:03.32]What do you mean? 你是什么意思?
    [04:03.64]I been here for six weeks. I don't get two words. 我在这要待6个星期?别想骗我了.
    [04:06.68]You're here 24 hours. It's sleepover time? 你才来了24小时. 说吧,睡觉的时候?
    [04:08.68]She brought me a bottle of bourbon. 她给我拿了一瓶波旁酒.
    [04:10.36]- Are you serious? - (Cellphone ringing) - 真的? - (手机响)
    [04:13.52]You should get that. It's probably her. 你该去接,也许是她打来的.
    [04:15.72]My phone's disconnected. 我的电话线还没接.
    [04:16.20]Something's ringing. 有东西在响啊.
    [04:24.08]She left her phone. Sweet. 她留下了她的电话. 甜心.
    [04:27.60](Ringing stops)
    [04:30.12]- So, what happened? - (Horn beeps) - 还发生了什么事? - (汽车鸣笛声)
    [04:31.80]- Be right back. - Yo! - 别动. - 有人吗?
    [04:33.96]Hold on! 等一会!
    [04:37.48]Come on. Tell me what happened. 快点.告诉我发生了什么.
    [04:40.48]You're not going anywhere today, are you? 今天你哪也不去,对吧?
    [04:43.32]I'd like to return this. Do you know where she lives? 我要还给她.你知道她在哪住吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      心灵驿站      

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