


时间:2020-06-16 14:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:36.20]for everyone to escape. 这样大家就能逃走 [00:39.32]But,Shifu,hell kill you. 可师父 他会杀了你 [00:40.36]Then l will finally have paid for my mistake. 这样我也能弥补过错了 [00:43.56]Listen to me,all of you.
  • [00:36.20]for everyone to escape. 这样大家就能逃走
    [00:39.32]But,Shifu,he'll kill you. 可师父 他会杀了你
    [00:40.36]Then l will finally have paid  for my mistake. 这样我也能弥补过错了
    [00:43.56]Listen to me,all of you. 你们都跟我仔细听着
    [00:46.24]lt is time for you to continue  yourjourney without me. 接下来的路你们要自己走 多保重
    [00:51.64]l am very proud  to have been your master. 能做你们的师父 我非常自豪
    [01:14.80]We've got to get them out safely. 我们要带大家安全离开
    [01:15.56]Oome,little one. Let's find your mama. 过来小家伙 我帮你找妈妈
    [01:19.32]Viper,gather the southern farmers.  Mantis,the north. 灵蛇 集合南面的村民  螳螂 北面
    [01:21.44]Orane,light the way. 仙鹤 你引路
    [01:44.72]Look,it's the Dragon Warrior. 瞧 是神龙大侠
    [01:55.68]Hey,Dad. 嘿 爸爸
    [01:57.72]Po! 阿宝
    [02:05.56]Good to have you back,son. 你回来就好 儿子
    [02:08.84]Good to be back. 很高兴回来
    [02:09.12]Let's go,Po. 我们走吧 阿宝
    [02:13.64]So for our next shop,it's time to face it... 我们得另开一家铺子了 实际点吧
    [02:17.08]...the future of noodles  is dice-cut vegetables... 面条将来的趋势嘛 蔬菜都得切成块
    [02:20.40]...no longer slices. 不再是切成丝
    [02:23.08]Also,l was thinking,maybe this time 另外 我还寻思着也许这回
    [02:28.12]we'll have a kitchen  you can actually stand up in. 厨房得盖得大些这样你就能舒坦点
    [02:39.36]Po,l'm sorry if things didn't work out. 阿宝 我也怪不好受的 你没能如愿
    [02:43.04]ltjust wasn't meant to be. 也许你就没那个命

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