


时间:2020-03-18 16:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:21.60]Or since. 从来没有 [01:30.60]And now he has a chance to make things right. 现在他有机会弥补当年的过错 [01:33.32]To train the true Dragon Warrior 4 . 训练出真正的神龙大侠 [01:36.52]And hes stuck with you. 而
  • [01:21.60]Or since. 从来没有
    [01:30.60]And now he has a chance  to make things right. 现在他有机会弥补当年的过错
    [01:33.32]To train the true Dragon Warrior4. 训练出真正的神龙大侠
    [01:36.52]And he's stuck with you. 而你成了绊脚石
    [01:39.96]A big fat panda  who treats it like a joke. 你这又肥又大的熊猫  把训练当儿戏
    [01:44.04]That is it! 闹够了!
    [01:45.32]Wait! My fault!  l accidentally tweaked his facial nerve. 等等  都怪我  我扎到他的面部神经了
    [01:49.60]And may have also stopped his heart. 碰巧把他心跳也弄停了
    [01:56.16]lnner peace. 静下心来
    [01:58.48]lnner peace. 静下心来
    [02:03.40]lnner... 静下...静...静下...
    [02:07.60]lnner peace. .静下心来
    [02:12.08]Would whoever is making  that flapping sound quiet down?! 是谁在那儿拍拍打打  快给我安静
    [02:19.20]lnner... 静下心...
    [02:24.68]Oh,Zeng. 哦  是小善
    [02:27.20]Excellent. 太好啦
    [02:30.88]l could use some good news right now. 我正想听些好消息
    [02:39.72]Master! Master! 大师  大师
    [02:41.88]l have... lt's...  lt's very bad news. 我... 我有个...有个很坏的消息
    [02:44.20]Shifu. 哦   师父
    [02:47.96]There is just news.  There is no good or bad. 消息就是消息 没有好坏之分

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      功夫熊猫      

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