


时间:2017-02-04 12:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:32.70]- Okay. - Okay? - 好的 - 没事了? [04:36.66]I just hope they catch him fast. 我只是希望尽快抓住他 [04:47.34]Looks like your friends are flagging you. 你的朋友好像在给你打信号 [04:50.90]Its okay if you wa
  • [04:32.70]- Okay. - Okay? - 好的 - 没事了?
    [04:36.66]I just hope they catch him fast. 我只是希望尽快抓住他
    [04:47.34]Looks like your friends are flagging you. 你的朋友好像在给你打信号
    [04:50.90]It's okay if you wanna go join them. 你要去就去吧
    [04:55.10]I'm just gonna turn in early anyway. 我想早点回去休息
    [04:56.78]Bella, it's Friday night. Go out. 贝拉,星期五啦,出去玩吧
    [04:57.06]Me, too. 我也是
    [00:01.82]Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you. 那个叫纽顿的孩子好像很喜欢你
    [00:02.94]Yeah, he's a good buddy1. 对,他是个好人
    [00:05.70]What about any of these other yahoos in town? 镇上别的臭小子怎么样?
    [00:09.18]Anybody interest you? 有人对你感兴趣吗?
    [00:14.18]Dad, we gonna talk about boys? 爸爸,我们要谈男孩的事情吗?
    [00:16.74]Yeah, I guess not. 我想不用了
    [00:20.34]I just feel like I leave you alone too much. 我只是觉得常常丢下你一个人
    [00:23.18]You should be around people. 你应该和人多接触
    [00:24.90]I don't really mind being alone. 我不介意一个人
    [00:27.78]I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way. 我想这点上我跟爸爸挺像的
    [00:36.82]So, how's all the baseball stuff2 going? 那棒球队怎么样?
    [00:39.98]Phil's working so hard. 菲尔在很努力地训练
    [00:43.46]You know, spring training. 你知道,正在春训
    [00:44.58]We're looking for a house to rent in case things become more permanent3. 我们在找房子,以便能长住

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