


时间:2015-12-24 22:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:39.28]从学堂到教堂 Began as a schoolhouse and ended as a temple. [04:42.36]我只说过有一个老师比我更伟大 I said I had a master that was greater than myself. [04:45.96]我从没说他是我父亲 I never said he was my
  •   [04:39.28]从学堂到教堂 Began as a schoolhouse and ended as a temple.
      [04:42.36]我只说过有一个老师比我更伟大 I said I had a master that was greater than myself.
      [04:45.96]我从没说他是我父亲 I never said he was my father.
      [04:47.98]我想把我学到的教给人们 I wanted to teach what I learned.
      [04:49.93]我从没说过我是犹太人的国王 I never claimed to be king of the jews,
      [04:52.03]我不会水上漂 也不会起死回生 I never walked on water, I never raised the dead.
      [04:55.20]我从未说过神谕 I never spoke15 of divine except in the sense
      [04:58.53]除了世上人类的良善 Of human goodness on earth.
      [00:04.20]没有从东方来的智者膜拜马槽 No wise men came from the east to worship at a manger.
      [00:07.83]我倒是做过点治疗 I did do a little healing
      [00:09.96]用我所学的东方医术 With some eastern medicine I’d learned.
      [00:14.60]就这样 That’s it.
      [00:19.50]三位智者的传说 The three wise men began as a myth
      [00:21.41]来源于佛祖的出生 About the birth of the buddha1.
      [00:28.00]John 我得回家亲亲我的老婆了 John, I should be home, uh, kissing my wife.
      [00:34.16]我们都被你的故事吸引了  We’re all here, trapped by your story...
      [00:37.80]期待一场...革命?我不知道 Hoping for a... revolution? I don’t know.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      这个男人来自地球      

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