


时间:2015-12-20 21:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:01.93]我第一次婚礼? My first wedding? [02:03.58]答对了 There you go. [02:05.12]对 There you go! [02:06.60]很好 我打赌我们中至少有一个 Very good, and I bet at least one of us [02:09.33]是你的嫡系血亲 Is your
  •   [02:01.93]我第一次婚礼? My first wedding?
      [02:03.58]答对了 There you go.
      [02:05.12]对 There you go!
      [02:06.60]很好 我打赌我们中至少有一个 Very good, and I bet at least one of us
      [02:09.33]是你的嫡系血亲 Is your direct descendent3.
      [02:10.50]我还没寄过圣诞贺卡 And I didn’t even send a christmas card.
      [02:12.60]圣诞贺卡?还不如生日贺卡? Christmas card? What about a birthday card?
      [02:14.80]说到生日蜡烛  And don’t even get me started on the candles...
      [02:16.96]吹个蜡烛 With the blowing and the
      [02:18.96]得花好几年 For years with the blowing.
      [02:22.86]呃 好吧 我试过了 Yeah, all right. I tried.
      [02:24.86]好吧 叫我野蛮人好了 Well, uh, call me underdeveloped,
      [02:28.16]但我还想听 But I’d like to hear more.
      [02:32.73]我也是 Me too.
      [02:34.08]我也是 More.
      [02:35.36]你两次发誓说这不是捏造的 You double-Damn swear this isn’t some cockamamie
      [02:37.76]科幻小说或者  Science fiction story or...
      [02:41.33]下一个问题 Next question.
      [02:43.83]你知道 You-You-You realize
      [02:45.20]这是拿安慰药 This is an invitation
      [02:46.50]来邀请不死者 To men in white suits with happy pills.
      [02:48.70]想想有没有 Dan: think about it-
      [02:49.73]一种办法能让人 A mechanism4 allowing survival
      [02:51.60]生存上千年? For thousands of years?
      [02:52.96]那地球就更不够住了 Run out of room even faster.
      [02:55.23]然后我们就会殖民火星 Then we’d have to go to mars as a colony
      [02:57.53]正如我们的先辈所做的 As we expanded, as we’d have to.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      这个男人来自地球      

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