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  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(12) 日期:2014-04-18 13:31:04 点击:74 好评:0

    Old, lurky me老谋深算的我 I finally beat my mother down说服了 Extra broody郁郁寡欢 Honor ur partner向舞伴敬礼 Its a little late for cold feet现在打退堂鼓有点晚了 Ill squeal告密 futile徒劳 Running amok肆意妄行...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(11) 日期:2014-04-18 13:31:09 点击:134 好评:0

    No rules 无拘无束 overrated没有传说的那么好 glib油腔滑调 light-headed头重脚轻 Im always sensitive识相的 State employee公务员 An innocent question无关痛痒的问题 Things can never be as they used to be事过境迁...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(10) 日期:2014-04-18 13:31:16 点击:249 好评:0

    Im a quitter半途而废 Trust is earned要争取的 desiccate脱水 A fundraiser募集活动 A little bit of a loner有点孤僻 Im no longer crippled by her death裹足不前 No freebies不发赠品 Is he enough in your graces 足够受你青...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(9) 日期:2014-04-18 13:31:26 点击:197 好评:0

    procreat不能生育 Be better than him做个比他好的人 mesmerized迷住了 A hoodie风衣 We had a blast过得很愉快 Your argument is well laid out很有说服力 mushy多愁善感 dont talk smack话中有话 Youre to do it yoursel...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(8) 日期:2014-04-18 13:31:31 点击:205 好评:0

    Hes not gonna change禀性难移 You are just pne step from a maybe总是犹豫不决 A tiny nudge will be nice稍加怂恿一下 The councils in an uproar一片哗然 Tapping her追她 Move proactively主动出击 Dabble in a bunch of thin...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(7) 日期:2014-04-18 13:31:37 点击:168 好评:0

    Little garish老套的 We thought we were past this已经过去了 Im vengeful我要报仇 Lame girl name蹩脚的 Buckle up系好安全带 So quit ur whining不要发牢骚了 Shes caring有同情心 Lushy vampires烂醉 hammered喝醉了...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(6) 日期:2014-04-09 11:53:27 点击:269 好评:0

    Exhaust every other option排除其他设想 I delight in hedoism享乐主义 Depraved brother坏哥哥 The abyss deep深渊 deputies副手 Swear to secrecy发誓保密 She has to be with me on her own terms心甘情愿 We need to blend融入...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(5) 日期:2014-04-09 11:55:35 点击:109 好评:0

    Have a linage of witches有巫师血缘 A shred of humanity一点点良知 You are not a quitter不是半途而废的人 It will be a blast劲爆 Get all sprung over 着迷 talisman法宝 You are wallowing 自寻烦恼 My wallowing is legit...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(4) 日期:2014-04-09 11:53:54 点击:92 好评:0

    He has the romance novel stare像浪漫小说一样深邃 Twinged in sadness满脸哀伤 She took my breath away把我的魂夺走了 feisty活跃 Looped on the liquor醉酒了 Why the about face突然变卦 Im all ears洗耳恭听 Spend he...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(3) 日期:2014-04-09 11:53:59 点击:68 好评:0

    Make toast吐司 A psychic灵媒 Be beyond happy快乐至极 You are stoned嗑药 I didnt mean it once没有一次是真心的 Tactless 太失礼了 Everything I keep buried inside, come rushing to the surface Hook up with her勾搭 Blood m...

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