


时间:2016-08-15 12:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:38.64]Once you set foot on that boat, youre in the Navy, friend 你们一上船,就加入美国海军 [00:44.68]Yeah, Ive been meaning to talk with you, Mike 我一直想跟你谈谈 [00:48.08]My wifes doing poorly 我太太病得不轻
  •   [00:38.64]Once you set foot on that boat, you’re in the Navy, friend 你们一上船,就加入美国海军
      [00:44.68]Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk with you, Mike 我一直想跟你谈谈
      [00:48.08]My wife’s doing poorly 我太太病得不轻
      [00:50.36]I’d like to maybe see her one more time 我想再见她一面
      [00:54.04]You’re free to make your way home any way you can, Mr. Mayes 你可以自己想办法回家
      [01:04.12]If he’s leaving, who’s gonna cook? 他走了谁要当厨子?
      [01:05.88]Food poisoning’s one of the leading causes of death at sea 食物中毒是船员丧命的主因
      [01:09.88]Right after inadequate2 safety equipment 其次才是安全装备的不足
      [01:11.84]I can cook, captain. Been doing it all my life 我会做菜,这辈子都在做菜
      [01:15.84]I don’t know. You’re a little moody3 for war, Benjamin 我不晓得喔 你的情绪不稳,不适合打仗
      [01:19.40]What the hell? 管它的
      [01:21.28]I’ll take any man wants to kick the shite out of the Japs and the Huns 谁想打日本鬼子和德国佬都行
      [01:26.88]That’s it, pack your gear. We’re going to war, gentlemen 收拾行李,咱们去打仗!
      [01:38.56]She had left a note 她只留了一张纸条
      [01:42.64]She wrote, "It was nice to have met you. " 上面写:很高兴能认识你
      [01:44.24]And that was it 就只有这样
      [01:48.60]It wasn’t the war any of us expected 这场战争和我们想像的不同
      [01:52.52]We would just tow crippled ships, scraps4 of metal, really 我们只负责拖废弃的船只

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