


时间:2016-08-15 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:14.44]A single cane1, back straight as an arrow 只拿一根拐杖,背挺得笔直 [02:18.92]What elixir2 have you been drinking? 你食了什么仙丹? [02:22.28]GIRL; Grandma! Look at me! 奶奶!看看我! [02:22.64]Thank you,
  •   [02:14.44]A single cane1, back straight as an arrow 只拿一根拐杖,背挺得笔直
      [02:18.92]What elixir2 have you been drinking? 你食了什么仙丹?
      [02:22.28]GIRL; Grandma! Look at me! 奶奶!看看我!
      [02:22.64]Thank you, ma’am 谢谢夸奖
      [02:28.80]MRS. FULLER; That was really something 你真棒
      [02:30.08]Come on over here, you 过来
      [02:31.68]Now, this is my granddaughter, Daisy 这是我的孙女黛丝
      [02:36.24]I’m afraid, Benjamin, I don’t rightly know your last name 老实说,我不知道你姓什么
      [02:36.72]This is Mr.... 这位是
      [02:40.40]Benjamin’s fine 直接叫我班哲明就行
      [02:42.16]I never forgot her blue eyes 我永远忘不了她的碧眼
      [02:47.08]Good people, supper is served 大家,开饭了
      [02:49.96]WINSLOW; Health and food, true love and friends 健康和食物、爱和朋友
      [02:54.12]For everything thy goodness sends. Amen 感谢您赐给我们的一切 阿门
      [02:56.12]Amen 阿门
      [03:00.76]MAN; That looks good 看起来很可口
      [03:01.16]Did you know turkeys aren’t really birds? 你知道火鸡不算鸟类吗?
      [03:03.24]Why do you say that? 你为什么这么说?
      [03:05.04]They are in the pheasant family, can’t hardly fly 他们属于雉科,不会飞
      [03:08.04]It’s sad, don’t you think? Birds that can’t fly? 真可怜,不会飞的鸟

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