


时间:2016-08-15 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:10.40]I love birds that cant fly 我喜欢不会飞的鸟 [03:13.60]They are so delicious 他们的肉很美味 [03:17.28]Thats terrible 好残忍哦 [03:19.08]I have something to tell yall while were giving thanks for Gods blessings3 感
  •   [03:10.40]I love birds that can’t fly 我喜欢不会飞的鸟
      [03:13.60]They are so delicious 他们的肉很美味
      [03:17.28]That’s terrible 好残忍哦
      [03:19.08]I have something to tell y’all while we’re giving thanks for God’s blessings3 感谢主的同时我有话要说
      [03:22.64]I had a miracle happen. The Lord saw fit to answer my prayers 我身上发生了奇迹 上帝回应了我的祷告
      [03:30.72]What does she mean, answered her prayers? 她是什么意思?
      [03:33.68]Thanks. Thank you 谢谢大家
      [03:36.68]She’s gonna have a baby, silly 傻瓜,她要生小孩了
      [03:39.12]That’s what my mama said when I was gonna have a baby brother... 我妈生我弟弟之前也这么说
      [03:43.20]...but he didn’t live long... 不过他没活多久
      [03:44.12]...because he didn’t breathe right 因为他呼吸有问题
      [03:50.76]MRS. FULLER; " ...in the afternoon, when he had got his beautiful hind4 legs... 他下午得到一双强壮的后腿
      [03:54.64]...just as Big God Nqong had promised 就跟贡神答应的一样
      [04:00.64]You can see that it’s 5;00... 你看得出那是下午五点钟
      [04:01.92]...because Big God Nqong’s clock says so." 因为贡神的时钟是这么显示
      [04:04.88]Isn’t that something? 很神奇吧?
      [04:08.88]-Again. Read it again. -Oh, read it again, please - 再读一遍 - 拜托,再读一遍
      [04:11.68]All right. But afterwards, you must go to bed 好吧,不过读完就要去睡觉

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